Chapter 20. 'Again'

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Lets just say this chapter is a little steamy but no smut
~Megan POV~
When we were heading to Chipolata . I looked over to see haylee playing wit h Michaels freshened pink hair. I looked back to Luke to see him starring out the window I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder then he moved his head and had it now on top of my head.
After we all got done eating we all went home. Except haylee decided she wanted to stay with Michael for the night. I headed up stairs and went to go check on Renae since she's the only one here cause the Boys are gonna be out some where with Sammy for a while. I grabbed the handle and twisted it to reveal a half naked Calum on top of Renae full on making out and I had a feeling if I didn't walk in there it would if led to something a lot more steamy . Calum and Renae hopped of of each other and had an embarrassed face.

"If you guys were gonna do the dirty please go some where else then here " I pulled out a dollar and handed it to Calum " go get your self a motel " and with that I left the room when I closed the door I herd loud laughter I rolled my eyes and walked into my room .    I fell on my bed and curled up into a ball thinking about luke . and all these questions formed in my head. What if he finds someone else . what if after the tour he don't like me the same way. What if he changes . what if I change what if something really bad happens like they get into a plane crash and all die like Buddy Holly and The Crickets . "God dang it , stop thinking like this Megan non of them or that will happen Luke will never do that and you'd never do anything to hurt him. " you sighed and sat up and unlocked your phone and started scrolling through your feed after an hour you sighed sat your phone down and fell asleep you woke up to hearing loud laughter you groaned and sat up swung your leg's to the end of the bed and walked out of your room to see  hunter Brandon Nate, and Sammy from the railing .  all sitting on the couch . "take it down a few notches guys I'm trying to sleep" you yelled for them to hear you up stairs they all looked at you "god ok ok sleeping beauty needs her rest guys" Sammy said turning the TV down .  you walked in your room to see you had a message on your phone you swiped to see it it was Luke hey babe do you wanna come over mabey I smiled this is what I needed I replies with a simple sure and opens my screen door and walked from my balcony to his I knocked and he slide it open and with that he pulled me in and slammed me up against the wall and kissed me hungrily.
~Haylee POV~
"I can't believe we go on tour on Saturday "
"Well technically its tomarow since its 12" you rolled your eyes and kissed his nose  Michael scrunched his face off which was the most adorable thing in the world. You giggled and he hugged you tighter "Mikey are we gonna tell them " I asked
"If you want to "
"What are we going to do "
"To do what"
"When we go on tour"
"Have fun " I looked at him
"No like for real"
"Well we are going to have fun you'll get to see me perform and get to see one direction to so I'm like the best boyfriend ever and I might go to one of your meet and greets and see you do something stupid on stage" he chuckled
"Yeah the only good thing I'm getting out of this is I get to meet Lou"he looked at me with his eyebrows put down in an angry face
"I'm kidding " I laughed and kissed him quick "its not fair you have like a million of girls starring at you and eye fucking you while your performing ." I sighed he laughed .
"And you got nine guys trying to get into your pants "
I looked at him "two of those 'guys' are like my brothers and wouldn't let them do anything and any ways I never will do that to you I don't want abs I want your squishy tummy and adorable kitty face." I said with a smile he scoffed I laughed and kissed his nose again he smiled "im not ready for this tour I wish I could just stay like this for ever " he said smiling he leaned in and kissed me we ended up in a really steamy make out then seprated real quick when Ash walked in " he mike do you know where my red bandana is " he asked not even noticing what was going on then he looked up "oh im sorry ill leave" he left with the door open me and Michael laughed our buts off after a few minutes Michael grabbed my hand and ran down the stairs together " mikey its one in the morning I want to go to bed " I whined he rolled his " im bored " he said " well lets go to bed then you wont be bored anymore " I smile he rolled his eyes again I whined and pulled the hem of his shirt. " come on im tired" he threw a bag at me " go get changed hot stuff" I scoffed he laughed and went into a bathroom I ran into a bath room and sat on the toilet and opened the bag to reveal a THONG AND A LACEY BRA.

"Na just playing with ya.
I opened the bag to see a bright blue bikini I smiled and laughed. I put it on and and looked deeper in the bag to see one of Michael favorite flannels I smiled to myself and buttend it up and walked slowly out of the bathroom to try and find Michael I couldn't find him so I figuered he was out side where the pool was I walked out to see no one then I felt hands wrap around my waist then I soon relised it was Michael "man I'm so glad I gave you that shirt you look so hot " he said in my neck I laughed "so what are we gonna do"
"go swimming duh " I laughed when he dove into the pool I unbuttoned his flannel which I hope was mine and when I had it off I looked to see Michael starring at me with his mouth opened "Mike your gonna let fly's in " I laughed he blushed and looked away you dove in and sawm to home he embraced you into a tight hugs "man the flannels even hotter when its off" you rolled your eyes " so what's this about " you said looking up at him ". What I wanted to see my hot girlfriend in a bikini almost naked again" he grinned you signed "no for real"
"Its like a little go away thing for just you and me " he smiled " man im so lucky to have you" I said hugging him tightly he kissed my forhead "what do you mean by 'again' " I asked him with my eyebrow raised . he laughed " megan may or may not of been right about me checking you out when we passed the back of your house heading to taco bell" we laughed and I kissed him for a long time





sorry guys I finshed the wrest on my computer wich I think ill never do again but hoped you guys  liked this chapter I think the next will be them meeting everyone on tour. But by love you lovlies

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