Renae Pt. 1

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Ok so if you didn't read my authors note from the last chapter it says that I'm going to do a chapter all explaining Renae and facts you can read if you want to its not needed.
Back to the night when they were at the One Direction concert for the first time.

~Renaes POV~
When I found out I was going on tour with haylee and Megan I was happy but when we drove to the concert tonight I dreaded it . For one reason . Zayn.


"Renae come on it will be fun"
"Haylee I don't like One Direction why would you think I would want to go to one of there concerts"
"If you love me you would"
"Ughhh fine"
"YAY"I rolled my eyes.
She threw me a outfit and said she'll see me at her house when I'm done. I sighed and plopped on my bed "why"I groaned. I picked up the clothes and looked at them "is she serious hell no I'm not wearing this that's like I'm lying " I threw it back on my bed and grabbed something else to were I looked at it and nodded agreeing with my desion. I got dressed but my black long hair in a braid and put on a little makeup. I grabbed my phone and started walking to haylees I mean I am only 16 I have no clue in hell how a car works and I'm scared shitless to see how I'm gonna pass my drivers test. I knocked on the door and was greeted by haylees mother "hello Ms.Rowland "
"Hello to you to Renae" she smiled I walked in and sat on the couch waiting for haylee after a half hour she came down stair "its about dang time"
"What happens to your outfit never mind I like that one better come on"
Since the auditorium was only a few blocks away we walked. "So who's your favorite "
"Haylee you need to get out of this boy band obsession "
"Just tell me I will some point in life " she laughed.
"I guess Zayn"
"Really !! OMG "
"What !?!"
"I was right I knew it " I rolled my eyes .
We arrived at the concert after a few songs I got tired and walked away from haylee and went to the back of the concert and sat there waiting for haylee and the concert to end I herd a goodbye and then music stop after a few minutes she still wasn't here I sighed "hey beautiful "
"Who ever you perverted ass dick is go away " I sighed .
"Come on now you haven't even seen who your talking to"
"Yeah I can already tell it's a dick"
"I mean I have one but I'm not fully one " I laughed and turned around to see "omg" I whispers to my self it was Zayn .Zayn Malik. "The one and only" he smiled
"Oh no no no I need to go "
"Come on now "
"I've herd about stupid boy bands they think they can have any girl the want nope not to day I'm not a groupie so get the hell away from me"
"What's a groupie" are you fucking serious.
"You know what the fuck it is"
"Hey language "
"I've been cussing this whole time you idiot "
"Ok I know what a groupie is but I'm not that guy only the others boys do it "
"Sure "
"I swear " he said coming a little closer to me.


Ok sorry for the cliffhanger okay well next part will be next week bye lovelies ❤❤❤❤

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