5. Face to Face

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Madison's pov

We all held hands as we walked into the doors of the building. The lady at the front desk looked up at us and smiled.

"You girls are in meeting room 314 on the third floor." She said and we thanked her.

"And congratulations" she called out after us.

"What does she mean?" Nicole asked.

"Hopefully that we're not getting sued" said Lynn.

We got into the elevators and Emmy pushed the button...along with all of the other buttons the elevator held.

"Sorry I couldn't help myself" she joked and we all laughed.

Finally we made it to the conference room.

"Ready guys?" I asked.

They all nodded and we went in the door. Immediately my heart stopped. In front of us were the most 5 gorgeous guys that you'll ever meet.

I was frozen in place. They other girls were also in shock. None of us could've imagined actual meeting any of the guys.

"Take a seat girls" a tall guy with salt and pepper hair said to us. "My name is    Carlton Samuels and help Simon Cowell run Syco Records. He couldn't be here today but I'm speaking on his behalf..."

The rest of what he said came out as a blur. I caught myself staring at the 5 boys across from us.

Especially the one with forest green eyes and curly brown hair...

"...So thanks to the boys, we wanna make you an offer" I was snapped out of my trance. "How would you girls feel about becoming One Direction's opening act?" Carlton asked.

I was speechless.

"YES OH MY GOSH YES WE'LL TAKE IT YES!!!!!!!" Lynn practically shouted.

I heard the boys laugh and soon enough we were all laughing too.

"Now you guys should ask your parents-"

"We're all legal adults except for Mads here" Emmy said and patted my back.

I am the youngest out of all of us. From youngest to oldest: I'm 17, Emmy's 18, Nicole's 18 1/2, and Lynn's three months from being 19.

"I'll be fine" I said. I mean it's not like my parents would care and it would make life easier for my siblings if I wasn't around as much, but I kept this quiet.

"So I would start packing your bags now and we leave for London on one week. That's when you'll begins rehearsal. We'll figure out the other details next week, like tour dates, hotels, your play list, etc." Carlton said. "And boys you got an interview in and hour but you can walk the girls out" I was wide eyed. We got up and said thanks.

When we got into the hallway the boys met us face to face.

"Now we would introduce ourselves, but I think you know who we are" Louis said with a smile. "And of course we know who you are"

"We're really looking forward to working with you guys" Liam said.

"Yeah. I can show you guys my favorite restaurants across the globe" said Niall and Zayn laughed and punched him in the shoulder.

"Thanks guys" Nicole laughed.

"You can thank Harry" Louis said and Harry looked down with his face beat red.

The boys showed us around the building and we all kind of split of.

When the boys were in the Xfactor, we all decided which one that we wanted to marry.

Lynn got Louis.

Nicole got Liam.

Emmy got Niall.

And I got Harry.

If there was ever a fifth member to our group, they would have Zayn, but Zayn engaged to Perrie now so it all works out. (*This is during WWAT*)

It was ironic that we all split up into our 'pairings'.

Harry took me up to the roof.

"This is my favorite place to go to" he told me. "We would come up here after meetings and write songs." There were 5 lawn chairs on the roof.

"We also put a fireplace up here but it got removed because it's apparently a 'fire-hazard' or whatever. I say it's rubbish but oh well" he said cheekily.

"Thanks Harry" I said.

"For what?"

"Doing all of this for us"

"Louis found the video"

"But you decided to do something about it"

"Haha well you guys are talented" he said and looked me in the eyes. When we made eye contact, I felt something that I have never felt with Ron.

My ringer for texting went off on my phone. I sighed when I saw who it was.

"Sorry Harry" I said.

"You're fine love" he said. I got my phone out and called Ron.

"Why weren't you returning my texts?" Ron asked.

"I was in a meeting. I told you earlier." I said.

"Oh, well you should of at least texted me back"

"I'm sorry ok? I got to go. See you later ok?" I asked.

"Whatever just do-" I hung up on him.

I walked back to Harry.

"Sorry about that" I said.

"You're fine," Harry said. "Who was that?"

"Just my boyfriend" I replied. For a second a look of hurt was on Harry's face but it was as gone as fast as it came. I don't see he would be hurt though if he was...


"Yeah... He just... I don't know how to put it"

"I understand" Harry said.

"Hey Harry we got that meeting" we were interrupted by Zayn.

Harry walked me to the front door to the building.

"Thanks again Harry" I said.

"It was my pleasure"

"Hey guys lets take a picture!" Niall shouted.

We all gathered around each other and the lady at the front desk took our picture. Harry had his arm around my waist, which sent sparks through my body, which never happened with Ron...

We said out goodbyes and left in the car. We were all still starstruck from our meeting.

I only really had one name stuck in my mind.

And that was...

Harry Edward Styles

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