20. I'm Sorry?

41 4 117

A/N: WAZZZUUUUPPPPP!!!! Double post!!

Harry's pov

Stupid stupid stupid

I'm not gonna lie I did say those things, but not in those words. My exact words were,"She's a nice girl but we're not dating." And then I laughed it off. I swear that's what I said.

But of course I said those words to begin with. I knew the press would turn them around. I only said them when some press were shoving microphones into my face and I said that to get them off my back.

Now the only girl who I can't forget about and is always on my mind, hates my guts. Why did I open my big mouth to begin with.

I should've stayed and explained what happened, but I was too caught up in the moment and left. Poor Niall tried chasing me down but with that bum knee, he couldn't.

I don't even know where I'm at right now. I mean I'm still in the building but I can't find the stairwell or an elevator. And guess where's my phone?

At home

This is just been a fantastic day for Harry Styles.

"I don't know Mel, I thought things were going so great" I heard a familiar voice say. "I was stupid to think that a guy like him would ever like me back..."

I looked around the corner and saw Madison talking on the phone. And I think I knew who she was talking about.

"I know. Yeah. Well thanks. Love you too...bye" she said and hung up. "Stupid Harry Styles" I hear her mumble.

"You're right" I said and walked out. She jumped and stepped back.

"Don't talk to me" she said.

"Listen Maddie, I'm sorry-"

"I said don't!"

"Please just listen-"

"I said don't talk to me!"

"But you're talking to me too." I said and took a step forward to which she took one back.

"You're unbelievable" she said.

"Stop please I'm begging you." She pleaded.

"Listen I didn't say those exact words that the host said. I mean I did say things but not those" I walked even closer.

"I don't care!" Her back was against the wall now.

"Well I care" I said softly and pushed a piece of her hair back. I leaned in to kiss her, but I didn't expect what was going to happen next.

Instead of kissing me, she kicked me where the sun don't shine.

I crumpled to the ground in agony. Why did this have to happen to me?

"I'm sorry?" I gasped.

"I'm not" she said. She started walking away but stopped. She looked over her shoulder and instead of a smirk, she had a frown on her face.

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