13. Ohana

36 4 33

A/N: G-O-A-T-S

Madison's pov

About five minutes after Nicole and Liam went outside, we had visitors...

"Harry! Louis! Open up right now!" A deep voice boomed from the other side of the front door.

"Oh no..." Louis muttered.

"Who is that!?" Emmy asked panicked.

"Ugh it Paul, Nick, and some of the security here to chew our butts out I'm guessing" Harry stated.

Niall slowly walked to the door and opened it even slower.

Three huge men with red rage faces burst into the apartment yelling at Louis, Harry, Niall, and Zayn. Us girls were told to sit on the couch and say nothing.

Unfortunately Nicole and Liam walked in at the wrong moment which intensified the situation.

Liam's face dropped and Nicole looked like she walked in on a murder.

"You boys should be ashamed of yourselves!"

"Think about how management is going to feel about these rumors!"

"You could've endangered yours and these girls lives!"

All in all, the boys got in trouble and security left an hour later after getting their point in.

To break the awkward silence I got up and said, "Well I think that we should be getting home".

Everyone kind of mumbled in agreement and stumbled out the door.

Emmy, Nicole, and Lynn all got in one cab because they live within a five mile radius of each other, while I live on the other side of town, so I waited for my own cab.

As I waited Harry stood with me so I wouldn't have to be alone.

"Thanks again for tonight" I told him.

"Anything for you love" he grinned.

"Is Paul really going to put trackers on you guys?"

"Ha ha no. He was just caught up in the moment. He really cares about us and can get over protective."

"That must be nice" I said.

"Yeeaaah it can be... But we're also adults so it can get a bit annoying."


"Yeah. Are you going to be ok?" Harry asked. "You know about the incident with you know who?"

"Yeah I'll get over it eventually. It just sucks that I wasted years with him..."

"I guess that's part of life you know? You never know, the love of your life could be standing right in front of you" he said as if trying to hint something.

Beep Beep

The sound of the cab interrupted our conversation.

"Well hopefully I'll see you soon yeah?" I asked him.

"Most definitely!" He said with a smile.

Before I got in, I turned to Harry and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

I didn't have time to see his reaction as I was blushing like mad myself. I got into to cab and dreaded my siblings reaction to my return home.


"Madison Rose Mitchell I was about to call the police to look for you!" My older sister Melanie yelled at me. "You can't just go running around in the middle of the night and not even tell us where you are or if you even ok! You can be so irresponsible and inconsiderate!!!"

My older brother Macon looked equally as mad.

"How do you think we felt with only relying on the pictures of the press to know if you were ok or not?" He asked.

"I'm sorry-" I began but was interrupted.

"Well then stop acting like a reckless problem child!" Melanie snapped. "I would think that with mom and dad not being around that you would step up and act like an adult but instead you're no different than them!!!"

Rage filled me. I had not been this mad in a long time even after what Ron did to me.

"I am-m not like t-them" my voice shook. "I don't abandon the people I love when they need me the most. I don't make others feel unwanted. I had my heart broken tonight and needed an escape! You guys didn't even ask me if I was ok. All you did was look on the Internet and made assumptions about me! It's a good thing that I'm going in two week so I won't be this 'problem child' for you anymore!" I snapped and ran up to my room and slammed my door shut, flinching at the loud boom.

I sobbed into my pillow and let out all of the emotions that had built up inside of me.

Maybe I am like my parents. My siblings life would be much better without me.

"Mads can I come in?" My brother asked and knocked on my door.

"No! Go away!" I shouted/cried.

But of course he didn't listen and walked through my door which I forgot to lock.

"Oh Mads." He said softly and rubbed my back. He pulled my close to him and I sobbed into his shirt. "now tell me, are you OK?"

"how can I be OK? Ron told me how worthless I was in practically admitted that he was cheating on me. And how do you expect me to feel when Melanie just told me that Im like our parents? And right now I'm wet and freezing cold which doesn't help out my situation at all!"

"Melanie didn't mean what she said and you know it. We were both scared and worried about you. You're our baby sister and it's our job to protect you and when we don't know how you're doing or if you're safe or not, it's the worst feeling in the world to us." He told me. "And we all know that Ron is a terrible person so this is no surprise from him. I just wish that you realize that sooner. If Melanie and I would've said something you wouldn't have believed it"

Macon's words made me feel better.

"but maybe I am like mom and dad." I said. "I am leaving you guys..."

"You're not like them." A voice said behind us. Melanie. "What I said was wrong and I'm sorry. You are leaving but that's to do something great. We'll be fine here. We'll miss you like crazy but at least you'll finally be happy. Macon and I will go to college and everything will be ok" she said reassuring.

"I'm sorry for not calling you guys" I said. "I wasn't thinking..."

"It's ok" Melanie smiled.

"I'm just gonna miss you guys. You're my family and I feel like I'm leaving you guys behind"

"Don't feel that way. We're all going to be fine"

"Remember Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind" Macon said in a Stitch voice.

We all laughed and embraced each other.

A/N: just a filler. Changes start happening in the next two chapters.

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