30. Home

37 4 90

A/N: ✌🏻️

Emmys pov

{Flashing back to the Niall/Austin incident. See chapter 28}

I felt bad about blowing off Nicole, but I needed to get out of there. One of the perks of this job is that the pay is really well, so I went online to buy a plane ticket.

When I got to the airport, I dashed for security because my flight was in 8 minutes.

I looked up to the tv and saw a local news channel covering the concert tonight.

"Tonight the world famous boyband, One Direction, performed their first concert of their Take Me Home tour."

"Who'd wanna see a couple of gay Justin Biebers sing songs about ballet and butterflies." A teen boy in front of me snickered to his friend.

*Cough* *cough* "Díck" *cough* *cough* *cough*

The boys slightly turned there heads and of course they glared at me through the corner of their eyes.

"Not only was it One Direction's first concert of the tour," the news woman continued, "but it was also the first concert of their Opening Act, LEM*N Crush."

The tv showed a replay of us singing. The boys eyes went wide and they looked back at me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I smirked.

"Oh God. We're sorr-"

"Don't be," I interrupted, "just watch out for who you're talking to next time."

They walked shell-shocked throughly the line. After I got through the line I sat down and waited for my flight to be called.

"What're you doing here?" A little girl, who looked around 9, asked me. "Aren't you suppose to be singing right now?"

I smiled at her, "nah. I finished that about an hour ago. You a fan?"

"Totally! But shouldn't you be with your band?" Her eyes lit up.

"Yes, but there's something I got to do first. I'm just gonna get to Scotland early."


"Will flight 29 please began to board." My flight was called over the speaker.

"What's your name?"

"Catie. And my last name in Allen!"

"Well Catie Allen, if you ever decide to come to a concert, if you tell a guard your name, I'll get ya backstage yeah?"

"Thanks!" She hugged me.

"See ya soon Catie!"

The Opening Act (One Direction Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя