15. Saying Goodbye Pt. 2

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Emmys POV

"So your really leaving?" Henna stands in the doorway of my bedroom and watches me pack my things into my suitcase and carry on bag.

My wardrobe is bare and empty and so are my drawers making it look as if I never lived here in the first place.

The only thing that is still here is my picture collage on the wall with all of my memories with my family and the girls.

"Yes Henna I'm really leaving, you know that I've always wanted to sing and become something that I love! Plus this is with One Direction! You know how much I love One Direction, I can't let this opportunity go to waste."

She steps forward and pulls me into a hug that I return whole heartedly.

"I never knew that your squeaky mouse voice would be singing in some of the biggest stadiums in the world!" She says in a teasing tone so I know that she isn't insulting me.

"Just remember to stay safe okay? Call if you ever need anything! Oh and get enough sleep at night! I don't want to see all over the media that you fell off the stage because of lack of sleep! And just look after yourself you dimwit."

I nod and grin at my sister because she is practically a mother to me.

She's supporting me when my own mother isn't and that means a lot to me and always will.

She's walked me downstairs and I see my mum walk through the doors, back from work I assume.

"So your actually leaving?" She looks up at me with disapproval evident in her eyes and I just look down and nod, not wanting to see her look at me in that way.

"Yes I'm chasing my dream and accepting the chance of a lifetime and you can't stop me!"

I walk down the rest of the stairs and wheel my bag past her when she catches me by my arm. "Just know that if you leave now I will never accept you again."

I answer her remark by pushing her hand off my arm and going out of what I once called home.

I see a limo from the boys standing Infront of my house, I brush away my tears and climb in with a big false grin on my face.

A nice man comes out from the front and handles my bags so I let him and just listen to the chatter coming from inside the limo.

Mads and Lynn are already here and I think we still need to go and pick up Nicole. "I can't believe we are actually going on tour with One Direction!"

Lynn squeals and Madison joins her. "We are going to London in England! I've never been to England before it must be great!" I look at them and laugh slightly. "It's not all that great but I think you guys will like it."

They continue talking about how amazing they think it will be and I just look out of the window to see my sister waving at me and I wave back until she is out of sight.

Goodbye small house here comes the whole world I guess?....

Nicole's POV

"Oh give me another hug I think I'm going to cry!"

My adopted mum pulls me into yet another hug and I laugh and try to pull away from her death grip. "Mum I'm only going to be gone for a few months!"

She pulls away and starts crying into her hands again. "It's going to be such a long time before your back!

I can't believe your going out into the big bad world all alone!" I roll my eyes at her comment and carry on bringing my bags downstairs.

"I'm not going to be alone! I'm going to have my best friends with me at every step, you trust them more than me mum like honestly do you think they could let me get into any trouble?"

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