11. Lynn

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(I really like goats)

Lynn's pov

(written by long winded, lynnt21 )

I'm different... I'm weird... I'm nothing like my friends and classmates! Why you may ask?!
Because, I love school... and... I HATE FRIDAYS!!!

Actually it's not only Friday, it's pretty much the whole weekend.

From six p.m. Friday until ten p.m. Sunday when I go to sleep knowing the torture is over and I get to go to school in the morning and escape.

The escape I mean, is from my family drama; more specifically, my stepdad's volatile temper. Mom married him when I was one.

I don't even know who my real father is and don't care to. He skipped out on her when she told him she was going to have me. Nice right? Loser!!!

That did loads for my self-esteem when my mom told me about it. She's apparently not good at choosing men considering who she ended up with.


For as long as I can remember, I've dreaded Fridays because it meant the torture was coming.

My stepdad works out of town during the week and comes home for weekends.

He gets home Friday at six p.m. and like clockwork, that's when the yelling starts.

As the weekend goes on, it just gets progressively worse. Why...? Good question, I've asked mom a dozen times but she could never give me a decent explanation.

It seems to center around her though. You see she's religious... VERY religious and insists on taking me to church with her twice every Sunday, morning and evening.

My stepdad smokes, drinks, is a control freak and is decidedly NOT religious. Therefore he makes every day leading up to Sunday a living nightmare for the rest of us.

And as many times as I've begged her, mom won't give in and stop going to church no matter how loud and violent he gets.

Don't get me wrong, I loved church as a little kid, especially the singing part, it's just as I've gotten older and with my stepdad's temper, it's become something I dread.

I won't go into details, let's just say there's a lot of yelling, slamming of doors, a few extra holes in the walls that shouldn't be there and worst of all, bruises that my mom tries to discretely cover with make-up to hide from me, but I can tell.

It's gotten to the point that I spend the majority of the weekend in my room, with my ear buds in and the volume cranked up to drown out the madness.

It doesn't always help, so one day I started singing along to the music.

I didn't realize how loud I was singing until my stepdad clued me in by ripping the ear buds out of my ears, screaming at me and throwing my iPod against the wall smashing it into a million pieces.

It could have been worse I guess, it could've been me he threw against the wall.

Anyways, I cried for over an hour until my mom came to check on me. She apologized and was crying too with a fresh bruise on her cheek.

That's when, I guess to cheer me up, she thought she would tell me about him not being my biological father.

Thanks mom, I feel so much better now knowing I'm the unwanted child of some loser!

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