1. The Video

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I wanna french-braid Harry Styles really bad right now

Harry's pov

The lads and I were at my place in Los Angeles before we had to go to the studio to record.

"Harry come look at this" Louis said. I walked to the other side of the room to see what he wanted. "Watch this video" he turned up the volume on his laptop.

It was a video of these four girls singing 'I Want' at a karaoke club.

"I want, I want, I want,

But that's crazy

I want, I want, I want,

And that's not me

I want, I want, I want,

To be loved by you

I want, I want, I want,

And all the girls say

I want, I want, I want,

And that's crazy

I want, I want, I want,

To be loved by you"

"They're really good!" Louis said as the video played.

"They are" I agreed. "Are they a band?"

"I don't know who they are"

I got out my phone.

"What are you doing?"  He asked me.

"I'm going to tweet this and see if I get any info."

@Harry_Styles www.youtube/idkwhattotype.com anybody know who these girls are?

"What exactly do you hope to accomplish Harold?" Louis asked me.

"Uh you'll see" I said and winked at him.

Madison's pov

The sound of my alarm woke me up from my peaceful sleep with only dreams of Harry Styles.

I got up and changed for school and grabbed my moms keys.

"Can I drive your car today mom?" I asked a sweetly as possible.

"Yes but-"

"Put my seatbelt on, no texting and driving, and no more than 5mph over the speed limit" I said and smiled.

"Be safe" she called as I dashed out the door.

The ride to school was as bland and boring like usual. Got stopped at every red light and got stuck in traffic.

When I arrived at school, I felt different than what I normally did on any day. I parked the car and grabbed my stuff and walked toward the doors of there school.

Like usual, from the time I stepped on the sidewalk, my overprotective boyfriend Ron walked up to me. He says that he does it because he cares about me and hates me being alone, but I know he's afraid of me socializing with any other guy.

"Hey you" he said as he kissed me and wrapped his arm around me protectively. I tried to get lose but he just pulled me tighter.

Ron and I have been dating since mid way through sophomore year. He was my world. The only one I loved. I wanted to spend he rest of my life with him.

The Opening Act (One Direction Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя