8. Emmy

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A/N: boom another character chapter. This was written by mystxries

Emmy's pov

"Class as we all know Emmy is going to be leaving us to move to America! How exciting! I'm sure we will all miss you immensely Emmy and we hope you have a great time there." Mrs Brown lets me wave goodbye to the other kids before mum takes me to the car where we will be going straight to the airport.

My mum and my sister are sitting in the front while I'm alone in the back with my headphones in. We are going to America since my mum got a really good job offer but we all know the real reason.

My dads gone and my mum couldn't hack it. It was too much for her to see the familiar places where they would go so she decided to move continent. I don't mind going I'm just scared that nobody will like me because I'm Scottish.

Plus I'm not a very likeable person. I don't open up easily to people unless I know them really well and even then I never let people get too close to me. I hope that will all change once I get to America.

"Emmy come on we are at the airport" I grab my rucksack and walk into the over air conditioned place standing close to my mum and my big sister Henna.

Henna is only older than me by few years but she still acts as if she's a decade older. "Cmon Ems we are gonna miss our flight if you walk any slower!" I trudge along beside Henna trying not to glare at her since my rucksack is mostly heavy from her emergency make up kit.

I'm 11 and a tomboy so I'm not into all that jazz but apparently she is since she's a "teenager" and has to "look her best" I love my sister to bits really she's my best friend.

My mum tells me to sit down in the window seat and occupy myself so I do that by listening to some of my favourite music like Jay Sean and Beyoncé. "Brokenhearted girl" is my favourite so I play that while looking at Glasgow International Airport become a small speck. Goodbye Scotland hello America.


"Well girls here is is home sweet home!" My mum pulled up beside a cute little house in a quiet neighbourhood which would be our home for the next few years of our lives.

I take my small electric blue suitcase and run in with my rucksack bouncing against my back. My sister runs upstairs to pick her room while I walk into the back and see the back yard that has a mini pool and a swing set left by the old owners. It's quite warm here so I'll probably swim in the pool quite a lot.

"Girls come meet these lovely young boys who live next door!" I walk back inside and tie my black hair up into a pony tail when I see two quite cute guys standing at our door step.

"Hey I'm Declan and this is my younger brother Austin" I look at Austin and feel my cheeks getting warmer and see the same reaction happening with my sister and Declan. Maybe it's the American accent?

"Hi I'm Henna and this is my younger sister Emmy" Austin looks into my eyes when my sister says my name and I hear him briefly mutter under his breath "that's cute" and I blush even more.

"Anyway these two said that they will gladly accompany you both to school tomorrow as Declan goes to the same school as you will Henna and Austin goes to the same on you will Emmy." I nod and see Austin smile at me and I smile back not wanting to be rude.

"So I guess we will see you tomorrow?" I ask Austin and he nods eagerly as they walk away exchanging numbers with us both. I can't wait till tomorrow!

The Opening Act (One Direction Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя