6. Nicole

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A/N: so after every few chapters, I'm going to throw in a character chapter. These chapters are going to be about the girls and their background and stuff. Their going to be posted randomly so it'll be a surprise when the next one happens:)

Dedicated to: 1Demensional

Nicole's pov

So let's start to where it all began. My 'mom' had me when she was 19. She was crazy and irresponsible and didn't even know who my dad was.

Pathetic right?

So she tries raising me, but that didn't work out well. Her family wouldn't take her back after she had me so we were on our own.

Well I was on my own.

She spent most of her time clubbing and partying with all of her friends. When I was 5, she was arrested and I was put into a foster home.

It was awful. I lived there for 8 months with 11 other kids. The house was run down and we had 3 rooms.

The foster parents were terrible. They didn't care what we did, as long as it didn't cost them money.

We had three beds for 12 kids, so two of us would sleep on each bed at night. We would switch each night.

When social services found out our living conditions, we were all sent to another foster home.

The next one wasn't much better. The parents were mean and harsh. They once locked me in the closet for a day for spilling my water at the dinner table.

I'm pretty sure that they forgot that I was in there because my best friend Colton let me out.

Colton and I traveled to the next three foster homes together, but then he got adopted.

We haven't talked since, but that's ok with me if he's finally happy.

I was in a total of 13 foster homes by the time that I was in 8th grade when I met my friends.

I was finally adopted by this really nice family. The moms name was Sue Mendes and the dad was Marcus Mendes.

They had four other children. Their names were Hope, Joy, Craig, and Stuart. They were also adopted.

Joy was the oldest. Then Craig, Hope, Me, and Stuart. To be honest I love this family, but I had a hard time fitting in.

I was different and my new parents tried to help me but it wasn't working.

My appearance was my biggest setback. I was always known as the goth/emo girl, but that's how I felt comfortable.

I felt like I was sheltered by my piercings and my hair color. I couldn't really be that hurt because no one wanted to be around me.

I knew that people talked behind my back but I didn't care. I was alone, like normal.

My 'parents' did whatever they could to make me feel better, which I really appreciate. They weren't too fond of my tattoo, but it's not like their gonna make me get it removed.

It made me happy so therefore they were happy. They just wanted for me to be happy...

I remember the day when I met my friends. That day I was finally happy.

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