32. Elevator Talk

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A/N: Y'all my schedule is finally cleared!!!!

Madison's pov

While Lynn was out with Louis, I spent my alone time in my bed, watching Titanic, and crying of Jack's death and how I'll be forever alone.

It's all good though. Being alone has it's perks, that's one less person to have to impress in life.

C'mon Mads get your life together!

I got up and inspected my blotchy face in the mirror and sighed. It was only 12 o'clock and everyone else in the bands were either out with each other or in their own rooms not wanting to be bothered.

I decided to go downstairs and get another room key since I lost mine five minutes after I got it and Lynn has the only other one.

I went out into the hall and slowly walked to the elevator. Before the doors completely shut, a hand shot out to stop them.

"Oh gosh that was a close one!"

And of course it was Harry freaking Styles.

He looked at the button pad and smiled. "Hey it looks like we're going to the same place."


"I mean it's probably not a coincidence since all of us are on the same floor and there's nothing else on all the other one's."


When he realized that I wasn't into the conversation, he looked down and sighed. As if the awkwardness wasn't enough he asked,

"So how have you been?"

"Just dandy."

"That's good. Me too ha ha."

"Great." Sarcasm loaded into that word.

"You know-" he began but stopped himself.



"Of course it is." I mumbled.

"Oh come on-"

Before he could finish, the lights flickered in the elevator and we stopped.

"Oh come on!" I repeat what Harry had said and slammed my hands against the wall. "What are you punishing me for?!" I yelled up at the sky.

"Jaysus chill."

"Don't ever tell me to chill!" I snapped at him. "This is why I hate elevators and of course I'm in here with you!"

"That was a little harsh."

"I know," I said as I slid down to the floor and sat on cold, hard ground. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

Silence filled the air for a couple more minutes.

"I should probably call Liam or someone." Harry said quietly and he sat right next to me.


Harry's got out his phone, but just stared at it.

"Well?" I asked.

"I'm sorry."

"Ok?" I asked confused.

"I-I just want things to go back to the way that they use to be."


"I miss you."


"I know it looked like I didn't care. I mean I literally moved on to Taylor like a day later."


"Look I know you're mad and you should be."


"But why in Earth did you reject me? I thought we felt the same way."


"Like come on! Life would of been good."



"I appreciate the apology but the main priority right now is getting out of here."

"So just like that you blow off what I'm saying to you."


"Yes," he interrupted. "Does this even matter to you?"

"Of course it does! Don't you think that it hurts seeing you with her? I regret everything I said, but when Taylor came into the picture, I-it was like this didn't even matter."

"Why did you not want to be with me."

"Don't make me say it," I whispered.

"Why not?"

"You'll be pissed."

"C'mon I deserve it."

"Because of him"


"Yes" I barely whispered.

"I won't let him hurt you. I promise." Harry scooted closer to me.

"I was worried about you Harry. Ron's crazy. He'll hurt you."

"He's thousands of miles away love."

"You never know with him. He's crazy."

"But I'm crazier about you." He whispered and I shuddered.


"C'mon Mads. The only people who have more security than us are the President and Kim Jung Un."

I laughed, "probably."

"See you have nothing to worry about."

"You don't know him like I do."

"I know enough that I'll keep you and I safe." He started to lean his face into mine.

Are lips almost touched when I stopped.

"Please don't do this to me." He pleaded.

"One girl at a time Harry." I said referring to Taylor. "I'm not gonna ruin a relationship."

"I'll do anything for you." He grabbed my hand.

I pulled away,"You're taken right now. I'm not gonna help you cheat." And as if by coincidence, the doors of the elevator opened.

I got up and before I left, I turned around to face him,"find me when you're done," and with that I exited the elevator.

Harry's pov

Well damn

A/N: Waaaayyyyyy too long of a break. Next chapter will be longer.

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