9. Runaways

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A/N: ssooooooooooooooooooo if any of you are on vine, please go follow me. My vine is TheVoidAwakens.

Lynn's pov

We were all getting worried, especially since it started to rain. I want to kick the living daylights out of Ron!!!!!

The boys have been trying to call Harry but of course there's no luck.

We were outside and out of the corner of my eye, I could see flashing. Multiple lights.

"Aww shoot!" Louis exclaimed. "Freaking paps. You better call Paul Liam"

"Why me?" Liam asked.

"You're an idiot Li" Niall laughed.

"No seriously why do I have to-"

"Boys! BOYS! Who are these girls?" I heard questions being yelled at us.

"Are they your new girlfriends?"

"Is this your new opening act?"

"Liam show us you kidney!"

"No thank you. It's mine" Liam replied.

"Guys lets just split up and meet back at Harry's and mines apartment. Alright?" Louis asked.

"I don't think splitting up is the best-Ahhh" Liam shrieked as Louis pulled a spoon out of his pocket and threw it at him.

Louis grabbed my hand. "Let's go!" And we took off running.

"What if they're in cars?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. I know what I'm doing" he reassured me. "This happened before when Eleanor and I came here"

My heart sunk a bit when he said her name. I know they're broken up and all but I just don't like hearing her name.

"You ok Lynn?"

"Uh yeah. I'm good"

We ran for who knows how long and I was already cold and wet. We stopped to catch our breath in an alley.

I was shivering and soaked.

"Take my jacket" Louis said.

"What? No it's yours"

"Just take it. It's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I-"

"Louis Tomlinson is that your replacement for Eleanor?" Someone shouted.

"Shoot" Louis muttered and he pushed me against the wall of a building in the alley. Our faces were about an inch apart and his breath tickled my face.

"They'll leave any moment" he whispered.

"So we just stay like this?" I asked.

"Yeah" and I was perfectly fine with that.

Louis's pov

Some people may think that being this close to a person would be really awkward but I totally disagree.

I actually don't mind it at all. I feel really comfortable around Lynn.

After a couple minutes of this Lynn spoke up.

"Do you think they're gone?" She asked quietly.

"Oh- uh I think" I stepped away and look and it looked like we were safe.

"Where to now?" She asked me.

"My apartment is about 5 minutes from here if we sprint"

Out of no where she started taking her heels off.

"I was on track and our high school won 3 state championships when I went there and the only year we didn't
was when I broke my ankle" she told me. "You ready?" She asked.

"Absolutely" I smiled.

5 minutes turned into about 2-3 with the pace that we went at. Lynn was fast. Like really fast. She was about 15 ahead of me the whole time.

When we entered Harry's and mines shared apartment, we were the first one there.

I got my phone out and called Liam.

"Hey mate" I said. "Where are you at?"

"Well Nicole and I were swarmed badly by paps and we got a bit lost but I know where we're at now. We'll probably be there in about 45 minutes." He said.

"Have you heard from Niall?"

"Uh yeah. Him and Emmy found a cab but traffic is really bad so they won't get here until a little after Nicole and I. And nothing from Harry"

"Oh. Well thanks"

"No problem mate"

"Doors unlocked" I said.


And we hung up. Lynn and I stepped into the kitchen and she gave me my jacket back.

We were both freezing and soaked.

"You can take a shower in my bedroom" I told her. It's down that left hall and first door on the right.

"Do you have a shirt that I could borrow?" She asked.

"Yeah." I went to my room and grabbed a cream-colored jumper. "I also have Nike shorts that my sister left when she came and visited".

"Thanks Lou"

"No problem love"

While she was in my bathroom, I took a shower in Harry's and he had more hair product that all of my sisters combined.

When I was done I found Lynn in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal.

"I was hungry" she said and I laughed.

My jumper was a bit big on her but it looked perfect. All of the sudden my front door was slammed open and Niall, Emmy, Nicole, and Liam all came in.


It's kind of funny actually because a few months ago we put a lock on our fridge because every time Niall came over, he would eat about everything in there.

"But we just ate" I told him.

"But that was like an hour ago!" He protested.

"Is Harry and Mads here?" Nicole asked.

"No" Lynn said and looked down.

"Do you think they're alright?" Emmy asked.

"They're fine." I said and smiled.

"How do you know?" Asked Emmy.

"Harry's my best friend. I know when he's ok or not. I have the Hazza vibe" I said.

"Well I hope you're right" Nicole said.

Me too I thought.

A/N: mystxries is a genius!

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