Me:Hey people,so some terrible news happened to France last Friday.
Juan:Is it because of the french men who fell off the tower?
Rod:Is it the Flying sausage?
Me:What is wrong with you guys!?
Luke:Is it the banana peels?
Random guy:Is it because of the eiffel tower that just slipped by a banana peel?
Me:Stop it!
Everybody start to question what happened to france.
Me:Hey guys!
Everybody:(Questions one another)
Everybody:(Still questioning)
Me:(Grabs airhorn then blows it)
Me:Are you done or what!?
Juan:Can i just question one more time?
Juan:Ok,ok,Take it eysi!
Me:(Clears throat)As i was saying,many french people died because of an explosion,and terrorist that are terrorizing the areas.
Random girl:Just like london bridge?
Me:No!Well...Yeah,Something like that,but umm...I'm really not happy about what's happening there after all i wanted to go there-
Rod:You will get slaughted there.
Luke:Yeah,just like in italy 2 years ago.
//Italy 2 years ago//
Rod:(Tied into a dead tree)Help!Help!!HEEEELLLPP!!!
Bunch of italian guys that look like a tribe are carrying spears,pointing and asking where the food is.
Italy guy:Where is the food?
Other italy guys:Yes,where the food?
Rod:I'm sorry,i can't speak russian!I can't speak Russian!
Italy guy:This is stupid!This stupid american doesn't know english!
Rod:Please,let me go!I'll show the broccoli king to you!
Broccoli king:Huh,What?
Italy guy:That's it!I'm out of here,i'm tired of hearing him telling a story about a stupid rabbit!
The other italians confirmed and left.
//Back in my basement//
Me:That was you rod.Rod:Really?Huh?So that's why i got this marker.
Rod shows a mark that looks like a chicken.
Rod:Ok,nevermind about that.
Me:Wait,was luke suppose to be with you when you were in italy?
Rod:Yeah,but i couldn't find him.
Luke:I told you i was in the bathroom.
Rod:Huh,i can't remember?
Luke:Yeah it's because you got hit by a frying pan by an old lady,shouting at the window.
Me:Wow...You guys are really dumb.
Rod and luke:Yeah,we know!
Me:Ok,back to france,(Turns to you)Hey guys,i hope you pray for all the people in france for their safety,hope for them to keep safe and survive.Be safe people of france,we pray for all your safetys.
Everybody:Pray for france,people.
Me:Please Pray for FRANCE 🙏
Lolz Jokes
RandomBringing you best laughs,funny jokes and some of it are just my stupid add on's on this book. This is my lolz jokes so hope you read it=) And make it special and a laugh trip!