Chapter 1 - Can't Control It

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Chapter 1 - Can't Control It


I barely even got a glance at my sister before they rushed her into a room. All I really saw was the blonde hair and the very round stomach.

I haven't seen her in years, between transferring to Dauntless, then the war, then being captured.

I was told on the way back that her and Tris's brother, Caleb got married and are expecting a baby girl.

I just hope she and the baby are okay.

A doctor is guiding me to get checked out even though for the most part, I am fine.

"WILL!" I hear the voice I have yearned to hear for years screams my name.

I whip around quickly to see Christina trying to get around nurses persuading her to go sit down.

Another doctor takes my other arm and tries to pull me with the other doctor but I shake free of both of them and turn around just in time to catch my girl in my arms.

She clings to me, her legs around my torso, sobbing into my neck.

"You're a--alive!" She sobs.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon." I hold onto her like my life depends on it.

I notice her one arm is in a cast, but I don't ask. All that matters is that she's in my arms.

She looks up at me and I press my lips to hers for the first time in too long. I wish that this could never end; that the doctor wasn't tapping my shoulder telling me that I have to go but will be back.

"You're okay, right?" She looks at me when we pull apart.

"Yes, they just want to check me out and prove that I am. How about you go sit down before the doctors kill both of us. I'll find you as soon as I can, okay."

"Promise?" She looks at me.

"Of course." I smile and kiss her one last time before she un-clings to me.

"I'll see you soon!" I say as the doctors pull me away.

"I love you, Will!" She cries standing there watching me get dragged away.

As soon as they get me into a room they basically force me to sit down, and right as I do they clean off both of my forearms and a needle goes in each before I can even decipher what is going on. I see that one arm has an IV with some kind of clear liquid going into my arm while the other arm has a needle taking blood from it.

All of this medical equipment reminds me why I transferred to Dauntless in the first place... It all really just confuses me, no matter how my inner Erudite brain tries to comprehend them, I just have no clue.

All I want is to be back in Dauntless with everyone safe, but most of all, okay.

I wish that none of this ever happened...

That none of us ever had to go through anything like this.

But who am I to talk.

I got off easy.

Just about everyone is in way worse condition than I ever was, even though I was one of them in there the longest.

No major, or really even minor injuries are even found on me.

Maybe a scratch or bruise here and there. Just a little over-starved, but not to the extreme like some people I've seen.

I wish everyone was in the same condition I was, or even better.

It would be easy then.

But that's not what David wanted.

He wanted injuries that would continue to rage years after his death.

Physical and mental scars that wouldn't let anyone forget.

Dreadful memories that would be left in the back of everyone's minds for years to follow.

And what he wants just about goes.

And he's dead but we still can't control it.

Now that is the work of a sick person.

I just wish we could've controlled it.

But that's the problem.

We just couldn't control any of it.

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