Chapter 48 - Learning to Trust

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Chapter 48 - Learning to Trust

Third person

'She does not seem stable'

'It's not the girl I use to know.'

'What happened to her?'

'Why is she this way?'

'Will she be okay?'

'Will she ever be the same?'

People continuously came to visit her; old friends of hers mainly.

They all had similar reactions when they exited the room and Dr. Ken Norton asked them what was different between the current Tris and how the old Tris use to be.

All of the people that visited her terrified her; each and and every one.

She's terrified of the objects around her.

She's terrified of the people around her.

But most of all, she's terrified of the ones she once befriended and loved.

The problem is that her doctors don't know how strategic David was in his planning; and also on how his strategic planning is going straight on its course.

She cannot see.

She cannot taste.

She cannot speak.

She cannot keep food down.

She is not sane.

She cannot take it upon herself to trust anyone.

So many horrible things have happened to her that she cannot tell the difference between memory, nightmare and reality.

It's eating her alive from the inside out.

She cannot see, therefore she cannot trust that the person next to her won't pull out a gun and shoot her in the leg or shove something up her nostrils.

The only true things she had left is her ability to touch and hear.

Although David's strategic planning did a whole boatload of damage to her; following through with its plan, it did miss a few spots.

Her ability to touch and hear were those two gaps; the two flaws in the system.

She had began to listen to people's footsteps; something that kept her sane while being held captive.

She could tell the difference between Dr. Norton's footsteps and Tobias's, and she could tell the difference between theirs and a couple of the nurses.

The problem was that she didn't know everyone's footsteps.

Therefore, she could not trust them.

One simple thing could get her trusting people again.

Her eyesight.

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