Chapter 37 - Second Chances

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Chapter 37 - Second Chances


So many people that I haven't seen since I've gotten back have been visiting me lately.

Will, Uriah, Zeke, Shauna, Lynn, Marlene, Tori, Amar, George, and everyone else.

I don't think I've ever been so happy.

Seeing everyone I've missed so much.

I couldn't ask for anything else right now.

The one person that I can think of that hasn't visited me yet is Evelyn.

Tobias has been telling me about her a lot; how she's changed so much, and for the better. I know she got him a dog for his birthday, and I know that she's been there for him to keep him company and to truly be his mother for once.

He's also told me how she told him that she regrets a lot.

He told me that she wants to come visit and apologize to me, and how she regrets how she treated me way back a few years ago.

I hope that he's not lying.

Because I also have been truly considering to apologize to her.

I also wasn't the nicest person to her. I had given my share of unnecessary remarks and rudeness to her as well.

I really would like to start over, if she has changed like he has said.

The option to do so comes sooner than I had expected.

There's a quiet rap on the door around lunchtime that day. Despite how quiet it was, I heard it loud and clear with the sharpness in my ears. Cautiously, the person walks in, and closes the door quietly.

I recognize the hooked nose instantly, and I know it's her.

"E-Evelyn?" I meant to say her name as a statement, but it comes out as a question.

"Hi, Tris." She sounds more shy then I've ever heard her speak.

She walks over and stands at the foot of my bed, and out of instinct, I tense up.

What if she's working with all of these people who are out to get me?

Then I remember all of what Tobias has told me about her.

He told you that she changed, and that she feels bad and wants to apologize. He told me I can trust her, and that she is a very nice person now. She's changed and for the better.

At the moment, I don't trust her quite yet, but I do trust him.

And if what he's has told me is true, then I want to apologize too.

"Look, Tris." She starts and her eyes drift off, not quite meeting mine. I see tears begin to line her deep brown eyes. She sighs. "Where do I even start. I am so sorry. Is there any way you could forgive me and that we could maybe, just maybe, start over? It was so stupid and childish of me to treat you the way I did, and I should've never of done it. Honestly, I really don't deserve you to forgive me for how I acted, and I completely understand if you never want to see me ever again."

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