Chapter 6 - Let Him in Here

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Chapter 6 - Let Him in Here


"NO! CALEB!" My wife screams as nurses separate us, wheeling her off in a wheelchair and three male nurses holding me back.

She went into labor during the rescue out of panic. All of the chaos scared her and made her water break. It's crazy she didn't give birth in the van on the way back.

"LET ME SEE MY WIFE!" I yell, straining my voice. "SHE NEEDS M-e!" I scream, my voice dying at the end.

"Sir, the quicker you cooperate and we check you out, the faster you can get back to her.

"I'm fine." My voice lowers, not allowing me to even yell. "She's not fine though. She's in labor, carrying my child, our child, our daughter." I barely whisper as they walk me down the hall and into a room.

I sit there, letting them inspect every inch of my body, take blood from one arm, pump stuff into the other arm, and do other crap.

I'm paying so little attention to them that I don't really notice when they put seven small stitches up near my right shoulder for when I cut it on something while escaping.

All I care about is seeing my wife and being there for the birth of my daughter.

I just hope both of them are still okay.


"NO! LET HIM IN HERE! I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT HIM!" I cry as the nurses slip off my messy clothes and slip on a clean blue gown.

"Don't worry, they'll let him come the second they've cleared him. Just calm down, stress isn't good for the baby or for you for the birth. Save your energy, your going to need it, dear."

They help me up into the hospital bed just as another contraction starts. I grip the edges of the gown, missing Caleb who's shoulder I would snuggle into and hold his one hand while the other rubbed my head and whispered encouragements in my ear.

Now all I can do is hold the cheap cloth and hide my face in a pillow. It works, but it's not soothing like my husband's voice and touch.

As the contraction slows, the two nurses in the room begin to attach all of the wires and machines to my stomach and do a quick ultrasound.

"Everything is looking good, and the little girl looks like she is very healthy. She's a miracle child, this one." The one woman says as she turns off the ultrasound machine and the other nurse wipes the gel from my stomach and pulls the gown back down.

"The doctor should be here in a few minutes to check you out, so just hang in there until then." The nurse says pushing hair out of my face.

"Do you need anything?" The other woman asks.

"Water, please."

"Sure thing." She goes into the other room and returns with a plastic cup full of water and a few pieces of ice.

"I could probably find a hairbrush around... Would you like me to brush through your hair and put it up?"

"Please." I have been dying to have my hair off my neck ever since all of this started.

She digs through drawers and pulls out a little brush from a plastic bag. I scoot forward a little the best I can with all of the machines and she begins to brush through my bird nest-like hair.

"It doesn't seem like your contractions are too close together... Maybe you aren't actually that far along in labor yet." She says with a wondering tone in her voice.

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