Chapter 10 - My Big Brother

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Chapter 10 - My Big Brother


I've been in this room for almost two days now.

The doctors say I have an infection in my hip where David shot me a little while back. There isn't a bullet there anymore though; just a line of seven tight black stitches in the reddened area of my left hip.

And boy does it hurt.

I can't even move my toes without the searing pain going throughout my body. They said the bullet was pretty deep and the area was pretty irritated from the impact.

I am beyond bored in this room.

No one to talk to.

Nothing to look at.

Nothing to do but lay there and sleep.

It isn't like a could do much, but I just wish someone would be here to keep me company.

I don't have any family. My mother and father died years ago from an experiment in an Erudite lab before I transferred, and my older brother George died a few years ago from something they never did figure out. Probably from being divergent.

I don't have anyone to visit me, even if there was anyone there to do so.

I hear a knock on the door. It's probably just another doctor or nurse here to make sure I'm still alive.

I do enjoy the doctors and nurses when they come in though; someone to talk to, something to do.

The person enters the room and I gasp, my hands flying to my face.

It can't be.

But it is.

"Georgie?!" I finally find my voice.

Tears slide down his face as he smiles and I take my hands away from my face and smile back.

He runs up and wraps me in his arms. I sob into his shoulder and I feel his tears on my back.

"Tori." I hear him whisper.

"I-- I-- I thought you were dead!" I sob.

"I thought you were dead too!" He looks into my eyes and smiles.

"I've missed you so much, Tor." He pulls me back into his arms and I hold him tightly, never wanting to let my big brother go.

He's alive!

Someone in my family is alive!

My older brother who I was told was dead years ago is alive!

I pray that this isn't a dream, and that this will never end.

He sits down in the chair next to me and tells me all that he has done in the past years; how he disappeared with Amar to the Bureau of Genetic Welfare; how he met Four and Tris and everyone that escaped Chicago after I was 'shot and killed';how he eventually went back to Chicago with everyone else that was alive after the trouble between the Bureau and Chicago; how he and Amar got married months ago; and everything in between and after that.

I told him everything that has gone on with me, but my story isn't interesting like his. Being a tattoo artist and the war is just about it. I don't go in too deep about being captured and he doesn't ask.

I've dreamt about this day for years; the day my big brother would come back to me. All of those times I told myself it wouldn't happen, but here he is sitting next to me, smiling as if we had been together this whole time.

I wouldn't trade right now for anything in the world.


Hello humans!!

Snow day for me today! This is literally the first storm I've had where I live this season so I am pumped!

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Be brave because I <4 you all so so much!

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