Chapter 2 - Wait for News

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Chapter 2 - Wait for News


"Tori! No! Let me see my sister! Tori! No! Let me see her!" I hear the voice of my husband plead. I get up from where I'm sitting with Christina and Four to go and get him.

"George. She'll be okay." I put my hand on his back. "Come sit down with me. They'll let you see her once she's allowed to have visitors."

He sighs and follows me over to where I was sitting by Four and Christina.

"Hey George." Four says as he sits down.

"Hi." He says, sadness still in his voice.

George looks over at him, then looks back somewhere else, then does kind of a double take.

"What happened to your shirt?" He asks, confusion clear in his voice.

"Oh," he chuckles. "Well, when they tried to take Tris, she wouldn't let go of my shirt. It kind of killed her for me to leave her like that, considering she was holding onto it because she was scared and didn't want me to leave, but yeah, I kinda just took off my shirt and let her keep it because she wouldn't let go of it and they needed to take her." He looks down, clearly upset.

"Oh, that makes sense. It went well for you though? Them taking her?"

"Eh. I mean, it kind of killed me inside too, but she is in terrible shape. She needed, well, needs medical attention and fast and I was the only standing in the way between those two things, so I let her go. I hope that she'll be okay, but she's in better hands at the moment." Four says and I smile. He just said the exact right thing to put George at ease because of Tori. Even though Tori is in much better shape than Tris, it really is a similar experience for George and Four.


I really feel bad for George. He just can't wait to see Tori, and every time he gets close, it doesn't happen.

I look up and my heart nearly stops from hope when a nurse comes towards me, but then it drops as quick as it stopped. "Here, sir." She says and hands me a navy blue shirt.

"Oh, thank you." I say taking the shirt. She walks away and I slip the shirt on.

"URIAH! NO! URIAH!" I hear Zeke yell.

I turn to see Zeke fighting a bunch of male nurses as Uriah is wheeled off in a wheelchair. Marlene is being wheeled off in the opposite direction and I hear her yelling after Uriah as well.

I get up and go help the nurses, who have no clue how to hold someone hold someone back, with Zeke.

"Zeke! Stop!" I grab him by the shoulders, but not strong enough. He shoves me backwards and stares at me, eyes red and breathing heavily.

"They're going to help Uriah. He'll be fine--"

"What if he's not!" He cuts me off.

"Trust me! Just calm down! You're not the only one whose going through this! They just pulled apart Tori and George, Will and Christina were pulled apart, Tris literally has my shirt because she wouldn't let go of me, and they just wheeled Uriah away in opposite directions from you and Marlene. Come sit with us and wait it out with the rest of us."

He just looks at me, wide eyed, kind of annoyed, but not. Like he is mentally trying to figure out what he should do.

"Okay." He mumbles.

He starts to walk over with me and he says, "If I just didn't take so long to unload the people in my truck I would've got to see him. I could've even maybe just to got to say hi."

"You will get to say hi, just not right now."

"Four, it's been three years, I just can't wait even three more minutes."

"I don't think you realize that I understand you." I stop walking and turn to him. "You're going to get to see him a lot sooner than you think, he's not in that bad of shape. Don't get me wrong, he could be a lot better, but look at the good things."

He doesn't answer. He just walks over to where I was sitting before and sits down next to the seat I was in.

It's kind of depressing, sitting here getting to do nothing but wait.

There's nothing good to talk about. The only things to talk about is how depressing everything is.

It's better to not talk at all.

And that's what we do.

Sit in silence.

We wait for news.

And whatever that news may bring.

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