Chapter 28 - I'm Back

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Chapter 28 - I'm Back


Life really hasn't moved much in the past few days.

Four went back to Erudite to see Tris a few hours ago.

The investigation wasn't passed last week.

I've heard from Zeke that a possible 'undercover' investigation may happen behind the Candor leader's back. It would be simply between a handful of Dauntless and a handful of Erudite.

Shauna stood up with supports for balance for the first time the other day. It's so great to see she's making progress. Hopefully next she'll be walking... Then after that, walking on her own. No matter how much I have always had a disliking for Erudites, I do have to hand it to them when it comes to their genius-ness.

As for Will and I... Well... I guess one could say we are back to normal. Well, as back to normal as two people watching people they love go through so much crap can get, I guess. We have each other to get the other through it, so I guess that's all that matters.

As for specifically me; I got the cast off of my arm from when I had broken it a few months ago. They had taken it off at one point because it looked healed, but it had turned out it wasn't totally healed and I had started to injure it further without it set, so it ended up taking twice as long that the original planned heal time was. Now that I have both of my arms working, I am finally able to start working at the tattoo parlor again.

The only reason I couldn't still work was because I had broken my dominate arm... And I mean, I could've tattooed people with my left arm; the ink never to leave their skin unless they wanted to pay for multiple painful surgeries which aren't cheap, so I just had to take a medical leave for those three and a half months.

I kind of enjoyed it though, because then I got to spend time with Will for the first two and a half months he was back. We both live together in my apartment.

Now it's our apartment, I guess.

I called my little sister, Rose on the phone yesterday to wish her a happy birthday. She turned seventeen.

With the whole new faction system, she still hasn't chosen where she would like to live for the rest of her life. And even once she does choose, she is always free to go back to Candor because she was born there, no questions or complications happening, or she could choose to go through initiation at a different faction, and if she passes then she could go there. Or if she even wanted, she could completely leave the faction system and live in one of the many apartment buildings throughout the city, or leave the fence and travel to another city. She, along with all of the other people since the change in the system, receive this option once they turn sixteen.

This way, we all still have the factions, but they aren't sheltered and as extremely separated like before.

I wish it was like this when I chose.

When we were talking yesterday, she told me that for now she just wants to stay in Candor; the new faction system still working out the new kinks and breaks in its system, but that one day she would like to transfer out to another faction, but not to leave the fence. She wants to stay in the faction system; mainly because it does have its perks of knowing you'll get a job, a place to live, food, and all of the other benefits of the factions. I don't blame her one bit. I wouldn't want to leave the new faction system at all either.

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