Chapter 27 - She's Awake

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Who else is super excited for Veronica Roth's new book that comes out January 17,2017? I know I am!!

Chapter 27 - She's Awake


The investigation formally began two days ago. The idea between just Erudite and Dauntless had been confirmed and is to remain as secret as possible from even the members of those factions.

Not only people in Abnegation, Amity or Candor are kept in the dark about this. Only people in Dauntless or Erudite that have a role in the investigation are to know about it. This keeps the word of this from spreading like wild fire all through Chicago.

Once information is gained, only then will it be given to people who may need it.

People like trusted doctors.

We've decided on calling the group the IB group: short for Investigate Building. This way, we can talk about it with others around and not raise too much suspicion.

I wish that I could focus on just the investigation, but much more is on my mind right now.

I thought about it when I walked Indy yesterday morning.

All day while I was at work in my office inside of the Main Building.

Especially while I sat through the second official IB meeting.

I've got to go see Tris.

+    +    +

I feel like I am all too comfortable with going through the motions of leaving... Packing and dropping off Indy and his stuff at my mother's, getting on the train, getting off the train in Erudite and then navigating my way through the hospital to the ICU section where Tris's room is at.

I knock on the door that leads to the little hallway of computers before the door to her room. Her nurse, Julie opens it and smiles when she recognizes me and motions for me to enter. I walk into the small room, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to keep the walls from closing in on me because of my claustrophobia.

"You can go in. Not much has really changed since you've left. Dr. Scott may be in to see her within an hour or two though so just be prepared for that."

I thank her and go into the somewhat larger room with very dimmed lights. Up against the back wall is the hospital bed where the small, skinny, pale blonde lies.

She looks exactly the same from when I left her; like she hasn't moved a hair in the two weeks I've been gone.

If I didn't know better, I would've thought she was asleep.

But I remind myself that she's in a coma, and that her chances of waking are slim.

But that doesn't keep my heart from dropping when I rub my thumb over her cheek and her eyes don't open.

I sit with her for hours, just talking about everything.

'Attention all visitors. Visiting hours are now closed for today. We kindly ask that all people visiting leave the hospital. Visiting hours begin again tomorrow morning at nine. Have a good evening.' A female voice says through the loudspeaker.

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