Chapter 35 - Christina

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Chapter 35 - Christina


It took a good two weeks after Caleb had visited her for her to settle into a small routine.

Me, myself has also began to get myself on a routine of living more at the Dauntless compound, but going on the train after work every other day to visit her.

They haven't let anyone other than Caleb, Cara, Mr. and Mrs. Prior and I see her out of the fear of her flipping out over other people's presence.

They are getting ready to let more people visit her now though, since she's been excelling and doing much better lately.

The main problem she has right now is that she cannot eat or drink.

They started her off on water and chicken broth, but she just couldn't keep it down. It didn't matter the amount, just the liquid touching her tongue would make her stomach flip.

It is just so upsetting. Dr. Scott and Julie are stumped on what to do about it.

I wonder if it traces back to that drug David was giving her in the building...

Well, we could find out the answer to that soon. The investigation has prospered so much that there is a group going in to investigate next week.

Now, maybe some questions will finally be answered.

Third Person

Just that next day, Dr. Scott agreed for Christina, Tris's best fried to see her. Since Tris had been doing well for a good portion of time, they decided it was time to add another person to the list of people she's seen

Christina told Four that morning when he was waking his dog, Indy with him to work. At that time, Christina was on her way to the train to get to Erudite and to the hospital.

Four was surprised, but very glad, knowing that Christina had been anxiously waiting to see her friend again. He hoped that Tris would be okay with seeing her, but didn't mention his concern to Chris.

Bubbling over with nervousness and excitement, Chris made it to the hospital at five minutes to ten in the morning. There was Julie, the nurse who had called on behalf of Dr. Scott, waiting for Chris just where she had told her she would be.

Julie went through the state of Tris, and told her what to do if certain things happened or whatnot as they walked to the room. Once they arrived, Julie tapped on the door, then said a friendly farewell to Chris and left her to be with her friend.


My heart races through my chest as the door clicks shut behind me.

There lies Tris on the bed, slightly propped up from the angle of the bed. The first thing I notice is the massive cast up her left leg that goes up to her thigh. She looks at me, and I know she sees me, but I think she is in as much shock as I am.

"Hi." My voice croaks. I start to walk over to her, slowly, then much faster.

"C-Chris?" She barely whispers in disbelief, but I hear her clearly.

I sit down next to her on the bed and she wraps her arms around me before I can even react. I hold her tightly, her tears soaking my shirt as mine get stuck in her now long, blonde hair.

"I've... Missed you... So much." I sob, my words broken up by sobs.

I feel her nod on my shoulder.

It takes us a while to stop hugging and sobbing, but even after we release, there still is those few stray tears of happiness.

I talk about random stuff to her, and she tries to reply, but most of the time she struggles against herself and can only manage a word or two answer.

Apparently it is a lot of progress compared to how she was a month ago. She wasn't even talking then from what I was told from Four.

I don't care about how hard it is to have a real conversation with her. I love just being around her and knowing that she is here right now and alive. Plus, her presence is just comforting. I never really could figure it out. Ever since we met during initiation, there was something about her that just made me happy; that made me want to be her friend and to be around her.

I thought that it might have been her voice, or maybe her smile, but now I've ruled out all of those since she really isn't doing any of them right now.

Maybe it is the hidden Abnegation sides of her that shine through her in the best ways. I never had much interaction with Abnegations in my life before I had transferred, and quite honestly, I really still don't. Maybe there's something about her past that makes me enjoy her presence somehow.

Whatever it is, it drives me to sit with her until two that afternoon when I am kindly kicked out by her doctor since it is time for her to check in on her.

I make my way back to the Dauntless compound happily, knowing firsthand that my friend is okay and truly is getting better.

Thanks for reading!

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Be brave because I <4 you all so so much!! (:

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