Chapter 53 - Finding Out

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Chapter 53 - Finding Out

Third Person

Ken meets with Dr. Marie Scott, Tris's doctor when she first came back to Chicago, later that afternoon.

He wants to talk to her about having her examine Tris.

He knows that Tris trusts her, and he knows that Marie has been dying to see her again.

"Marie? Could I ask a favor of you?" Ken says when he sits down across from her at her desk in her office. He came down to visit her as soon as Tris's boyfriend left, asking if there was something wrong with Tris's ability to hear.

"It depends what that favor might be, Ken. Last I was told, I'm not allowed up in your MIU branch. What could you need from me?" She says, trying to not be offended, remembering the issue they had months earlier.

"You can't just isolate her from the rest of the world, Ken! It won't make her any better; putting her in with crazy people, it'll only make her situation that much worse! The poor girl is petrified without anyone around! What's going to happen when a random, sick person bursts in her room?! You may not think I know what happens in that MIU of yours, Ken, but trust me, oh you can trust me when I say I sure as hell know what goes on up there." Marie says tensely, her hands on Ken's desk as she leans over, almost yelling in his face.

"What goes on up here is to none of your business, Marie. You might not want to admit it, but she's insane. She's just as bad as the rest of them up here. Just admit it, Marie. I can do something to make her better here that you can't down there."

"She has to learn to trust people again. She's not going to be trusting anyone up here! She doesn't know all of you! She's already petrified of people she's been around for weeks now and--"

"SHE'S NOT GOING TO KNOW EVERYONE WHEN SHE LEAVES THIS PLACE, MARIE! She's going to have to get use to strangers at one point, so why not start now. She's not going to get better if you baby her in a place where there's a clock ticking between if she comes with me or gets sent home, so why not just let her stay here where she has the time to heal and learn to trust. You need to get your head in reality, Marie. You can't fix everything, and neither can I, but let me take this one. You've done your share and got her where she is, and I'll take it from here." Ken says, growing extremely calm by the end of his statement.

Marie, unknowing what to say, leaves the room in silence.

She knows he's right.

She's just scared for Tris's sake.


"Marie. I know what this is about. I'm sorry for what I said. I was wrong; so wrong. It wasn't in my place to say that. I need your help. It's about Tris."

"What happened? Is she okay?"

"Yes. She's fine ever since the incident with West. But she's still not talking and recently has been acting like she doesn't know people are around her. Like, she seems to be still scared of everything, but now it's just in a different way."

"What do you want me to do about it? That sounds like an MIU issue that you should be fixing."

"Typically, it is. But what I need from you is to do a sensory examination on her. I know that she trusts you the most out of all the doctors and nurses here, so you should be able to get more accurate, or just simply more results than anyone else."

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