Chapter 11 - Finally Do Now

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Chapter 11 - Finally Do Now


Today's the day.

I finally get to see Uriah.

They said he doesn't know I'm coming yet; that it's a surprise.

They've told me he asks to see me and his girlfriend, Marlene every hour, but it wasn't allowed because his infection in his arm where he got shot was out of control.

Now he is getting better and a little stronger, so they allowed me to come and visit for a half hour.

I wished that they would've given more time, but I didn't argue. It's something compared to nothing; and I'd rather see him for a half hour compared to not at all.

The nurse stops at a door and smiles at me. I turn the knob and can't help but smile.

I enter the room and close the door behind me, somewhat nervous to see my brother again. It's been so long, and it was my job to protect him. He would've never of been in this situation if it wasn't for my stupidity.

"Zeke?!" I finally look up to see my little brother in a hospital bed, his one arm tightly wrapped at the top with a bandage. His face is the same; the light in his eyes and his smile.

I can't hold back anymore.

"Uriah!" I run up to him and wrap him in my arms.

"I've missed you so much." I cry and I can tell that he is crying too.

We became really close after my father died when I was seven and he was five. I always felt like he was my responsibility after that; it was my job to keep him out of trouble, and, well, alive.

On the outside I would mess around with him, annoy him to Earth's end, but in reality I always had an eye on him, making sure he was okay.

We talk for the little time we were given. I tell him about everything back at Chicago; how Shauna is learning to walk again; how Four got a dog; how George and Amar got married; how Christina has been, well, Christina, and anything I can remember and say in the little bit of time.

It only seems like it had been seconds but the nurse comes in and tells me that I have to leave.

I reluctantly obey, hugging Uriah one last time and leaving with a smile plastered on my face that won't go away.


"Ready?" The nurse asks me.

"Of course! I reply.

I'm finally getting to see Uriah today. I've been told that Zeke got to see him this morning, and now it's my turn this afternoon.

My heart is beating out of my chest with nervousness and excitement.

I've been told that he is okay; he was only shot in his arm and it is badly infected but it is getting better now.

I just haven't seen him personally since everything and leaving the cells. We got separated and ended up in different cars for the rescue. I had no clue where he ended up, but Lynn and I were together. She was shot in the hip but is okay. I haven't really heard much about her now that we are in the Infirmary and all.

The nurse walks with me down the hallway my room is in and near the end of it she stops in front of another door.

"He's in here." She simply says and smiles. I smile back and open the door.

I hear the door click behind me and the second I see Uriah's face I run up to him and smash my lips into his. He kisses back right away and after a few seconds I pull away and cling to him, never wanting to let go.

"I love you so much." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too." I whisper back.


Before I leave to go back to the waiting room I find the nurse that led me to Uriah's room.

I tap on her shoulder and she turns around and smiles, clearly recognizing me.

"I was wondering if you could help me out a little. You see, my girlfriend's sister was also rescued the other day, but my girlfriend isn't well enough to come here and visit her. Is there any way I could visit her for her?"

"It depends on what physical state she is in. I'll look her up in the computer. What is her name?"


The taps a few things on her computer and then looks like she starts reading something by the way her eyes move.

"Ah, yes. She has a slight infection in her hip from a bullet wound, but you can visit her. I'll bring you to her room but let me go in first and make sure she is up for visitors. Sometimes not every detail is put in the computer and then patients aren't up for visitors and they end up uncomfortable or something." She talks as I follow her back to the same hallway Uriah is in.

We go past Uriah's room a few doors and then she stops. She knocks on the door and then enters. I stay outside the door and listen in on what the nurse says.

"Hello. Someone has come to visit you. Would you be okay with them coming in." The nurse asks.

"Who is it?" I recognize Lynn's voice.

"He said that he's your sister's boyfriend."

"Zeke? Yeah, let him in!" I don't ever think I've heard Lynn so happy.

The nurse comes out and signals for me to go in. "Nice meeting you, and thank you for everything." I smile at the nurse.

"No problem, sir. Have a nice day." She walks down the hallway.

"Hey stranger!" Lynn says smiling. That is a very uncommon sight.

"Hey! How are you?" I ask her.

"As good as a person with eight stitches and an infection in her hip can get." She says sarcastically. There's the old Lynn I've known my whole life.

"How's Shauna doing?" She asks. "I was hoping she'd be here."

I go on telling her everything that has happened. How she was doing fine, then how she suddenly passed out, then how she wouldn't walk again, then the new medication, all up to her current condition of physical therapy to get walking with the new medication. I told her what she had told me on the phone last night; how badly she wished she could be there with everyone and to give Lynn, and well, everyone her best and tell them she misses them.

"At least she is doing better again. Thanks for coming by. I was beginning to worry that Shauna wasn't okay since she wasn't here. I figured that if she had the option to be here, she would, so thank you for updating me." Lynn smiled.

"Of course. No problem." I smile back.

Then there's a knock on the door and a nurse enters.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Visiting hours are just about to end for today, but they begin again tomorrow at nine."

"Okay. Bye, Lynn. If I'm around I'll stop in tomorrow. I'm not sure what we are doing for either staying here or going back home or what but if I'm around I'll stop in." I give her a quick hug and then leave, wishing the nurse a good night while leaving.

I find my way back out into the waiting room and take my seat next to Four who has been tense ever since we heard a scream earlier.

He said he recognized it and said it was Tris's, and he's been worried sick ever since. All of us have either visited whoever we know or have heard news on them except for him.

For the first time ever I think I finally can relate to what he's gone through without Tris all of these years.

No matter how many times I said I knew, I never truly did.

But I think I finally do now.

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