Chapter 26 - When Does it Start

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Chapter 26 - When Does it Start


We all arrived home a few minutes ago from the hospital from visiting Tris.

Caleb has barely said anything since he left the room after seeing Tris, and I just can't even imagine what he's feeling right now.

Seeing his younger sister in such a state.

I wish there was more I could do to comfort him, but I know there isn't anything I actually can do.

We all will just have to wait and see, I guess.

Taking Beatrice out of her little carrier, I carry her to her room to put her down for a nap. I think she can almost feel the heavy air of sadness in the room, because the second she's in my arms she begins to cry.

"Shh." I brush her few blonde hairs on the top of her head, bouncing her a little bit in my arms. She opens her eyes widely and looks at me with her bold blue-grey eyes.

"You look more and more like your Aunt Tris every day." I coo at her, gently rubbing my thumb over her cheek, then her tiny little nose; all of which look just like Tris's, except smaller.

I chuckle, remembering when I tried to insult Tris by telling Christina about how Tris's nose was too big for her face, and it would be easy to just snap it right off because it stuck out so much. I remember knowing that she was standing within a range that she would've been able to hear me, and I was sure to say it loudly enough that she would.

That was back before we ended up allies in the Allegiant; back when she had killed my brother.

Little did I know then that one day, just a few years down the line, my daughter would have the exact same nose as her.

I lay Beatrice down in her crib gently and then go back out into the living room, shutting the door to her bedroom as quietly as I can.

I turn to see Caleb standing in the living room, his hands on his head and his eyes shut tightly.

"Caleb..." I barely whisper.

I hear him take a deep breath, followed by just a few tears streaming down his face from his still clenched eyes.

"Are... You okay?" My voice fades as I walk up to him.

He shakes his head no.

Walking over, I wrap my arms around his waist, his arms still over his head. I lay my head in his chest and he puts his arms around my waist, his head now resting on top of mine.

I feel his warm tears on my scalp, and some of mine soak through his light blue shirt, making a small patch of a darker blue on it.

I hear him sigh, more of his tears going onto my scalp. I bite my lip, concealing a sob in any way I can.

"That... I..." He stutters.

"I just don't want to believe that that was my little sister laying there." He says super quietly and quickly, gasping for air once he's done.

The sob I was trying to conceal leaves my lips as the tears continue to flow. I wrap my arms around him tighter, like if I was to let go, I'd loose him. He rubs my back with his one hand, holding me close.

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