Chapter 39 - Beatrice

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Chapter 39 - Beatrice


"Beatrice!" I walk into my six month old daughter's room. She gurgles in her crib, her little foot in her mouth.

"Ew." I talk to her jokingly in a baby voice. "Don't put your feet in your mouth little girl, that's yucky! You aren't suppose to eat your feet!" I laugh, tickling her little stomach.

She turned six months old around a week ago and has just started to eat baby food.

I had never known a kid could love puréed potatoes and squash so much.

I bend over the crib and pick up Beatrice, holding her small body in my arms. I move my hair over my shoulders, and just in time too, from her small hands grabbing at my face. She's dressed in a long sleeve, Royal blue top with black leggings on her little chubby legs. I came in and dressed her earlier this morning before I had breakfast and dressed myself.

"Are you ready to go meet Aunt Tris today, Bea?" I pick her up and bounce her lightly in my arms. She gurgles and grabs up at my face, her hand laying on my cheek as her blue-grey orbs look directly into my green ones.

Beatrice and Beatrice will finally meet today. Her doctor said she is doing amazingly much better these past few weeks, and she also has been doing well with different people coming to visit.

I went to visit Tris two days ago and Caleb went to see her yesterday.

She's made obvious progress, the way she's starting to speak again, and how she moves her eyes to look at you when you speak. It's like she's finally stepping back into her body again.

I just can't help but be nervous.

What is she's not ready to meet Bea?

I mentally slap myself and get the question out of my head as soon as it appears.

Of course she's ready. You sat with her the other day, Cara. She's doing amazing. Plus, what could go wrong? This has already been way too over delayed, and Tris was trying to ask you about a baby the other day.

My brain flashes back to the other day when I sat with Tris.

As we pull apart from our embrace, I look into Tris's blue-grey orbs; the same ones my daughter inherited from that side of the family. Realization strikes her eyes as she jumbles over her words, inaudible mumbles coming from her mouth.

"It's okay." I tell her. "Take your time. Don't strain yourself."

She blinks hardly, clearly beyond frustrated with herself. Lightly, one of her frail, bony hands skims towards my abdomen. If anyone else had touched me like this, in any other circumstance, I would be mortified, but in this case, she had no other option to get her point of question across to me.

"The baby?" I ask to clarify if that's what she's trying to ask.

She nods, looking like she's expecting bad news.

"She's fine. Perfectly healthy and happy little girl. She really is a miracle to have survived all of that."

Tris sighs, all the fear leaving her eyes. She lightly smiles at me and I smile back at her.

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