Chapter 6

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A/N: Please vote + comment to let me know you actually want me to continue the story :):

- Kian's POV -

It was about 1:00 in the morning and I couldn't sleep, so I did what I usually did when I couldn't sleep, I got on my phone. I was thinking about texting Jc but I figured he would be asleep by now. I got on snapchat checking to see if anyone added something to their story. Lia added to their story 1 hour ago it said.

I clicked on it, her story starting off with her just filming her friends then turning the camera toward Jc smiling that beautiful smile.. Yeah I definitely need sleep, being sleep deprived is making me think weird things..

I continued watching her story, forcing my 'creepy' thoughts away. Then I noticed that her last update was a selfie with her wearing a sweatshirt, but not just any sweatshirt, that was definitely Jc's sweatshirt.

No. Maybe it's not, maybe she has the same sweatshirt, but I stopped trying to convince myself after taking a better look at it. I felt like I wanted to throw up then cry then throw up again, I shouldn't care, Jc can do whatever he wants with whoever but I can't help this sickening feeling in my stomach.

If I didn't know better I would've said the feeling felt a lot like jealously mixed with anger and sadness, but that couldn't be it since Jc was my best friend and friends didn't get jealous of their best friends "girlfriends"

You need sleep that's it. Everything will be better in the morning, these thoughts will stop when you give your brain a rest, but how about the heart does that get a rest?

~ Jc's POV ~


The two weeks passed and I finally get to go back home, not to mention I get to see Kian, finally. I had been really lonely without him, not that I would ever admit that to anyone.

Lia had been there, along with some new friends I met, but they weren't Kian. Kian and I hadn't really talked since the second day of filming I don't know why though, he was probably just busy.

Thankfully this time Lia and I had made plans to get on the same flight.

"You Ready?" Lia said knocking on my hotel door.

"Yeah, let me just go get my tooth brush," I said quickly grabbing it from the counter. I then walked out of the room "Ready," I smiled.

Our Uber came exactly at 12:00 taking us to the airport in no time. I half expected a fan to spot us at airport security but there were mostly old people so no one did. I liked the destination more then actually the whole getting there shit, I didn't really care for flying. I wasn't afraid I just didn't enjoy it.

I quickly texted Kian before sitting down in my row of seats next to Lia on the plane.

To Kian: From Jc:
I'm heading home XD See ya soon sh!t face

About 40 minutes into the flight I took out my headphones and turned toward Lia.

"Did you get the invite?" I asked.

"For what..?" She asked confused.

"The Party... I thought Kian invited you?" I questioned, "He probably missed you on the invite list or something."

"Is this your way of asking me out?.." She said smirking.

I laughed, "If that's what it is, okay, we'll call it a date, the party's tomorrow at 7:00 by the way."

"Okay, I'll be there," Lia said smiling and putting her headphones back in her ears.

"Jc WAKE UP, we're here!" Lia whisper yelled, shaking me awake.

"I'M UP! I'M UP!" I said, maybe a little too loud since people started looking at me annoyed.

We got off the plane in a rush scurrying over to baggage claim.

"It was nice seeing you again Jc , see you on our "date" tomorrow, byee," Lia said quickly kissing my cheek and running away towards her awaiting taxi.

"Wait by-" It's no use, she's already gone. I too climbed into a taxi, I gave the driver my address and he was off before I could finish, well someone's in a rush I thought chuckling to myself.

Only 30 minutes later and I was home, I climbed out of the taxi getting my suitcase from the back and paying the driver.

When the taxi driver left I started toward the front door knocking. A few seconds later the door opened revealing a shirtless Kian.

"Hi," I said smiling widely before pulling him in for a hug.

"JAY-SEE!" Kian said happily, hugging me tighter. There was this strange feeling that felt a lot like little butterflies flying around in my stomach when we embraced. Probably just because I haven't seen him in a while, I convinced myself.

"Lets go inside," Kian suggested helping me with my suitcase. I followed him inside, feeling so glad I was back home.

"How was New Mexico?" Kian asked sitting himself down on the couch.

"It was cool," but what I'm really excited about is the party tomorrow.

"Yeah, same, JJ and I bought all the stuff for the party yesterday," Kian said.

"Oh that reminds me, Lia said she didn't get an invite, did you forget to invite her?" I questioned.

"Oh really, she wasn't invited, must've forgotten about her, that's sucks... well she can come to the next party," Kian said shrugging and turning back to the TV.

"Don't worry, I invited her, she's coming as my date," I said sitting down on the couch next to him.

"WHAT?" Kian said choking on the water he was drinking. I could've sworn there was a quick flash of hurt on his face, but just as fast as it came it left. I was probably just imagining it.

"That's great Jc, really great," Kian said getting up from the couch. "I'm bringing a date too, oh and I hope you don't mind that we have the house to ourselves after the party," Kian winked before rushing up to his room leaving me completely speechless.

A/N: Don't know what to feel about this chapter, this is the beginning of something, you just wait .. I'm not gonna give anything away but I've wrote ahead and let me just tell you things are gonna start happening ;))

Kisses xoxo - A

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