Chapter 7

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A/N: 3 Votes for the next chapter ? <3

- Kian's POV -

I rushed upstairs blinking back tears. As soon as my door shut the tears came rushing out. I don't even know why I'm crying, I'm just so tired of pretending that everything's okay when I know deep down it's not. I've gotten really good at pretending, that sometimes I manage to convince myself that I am okay, that I am normal.

I don't know how long I just sat on my bed crying, letting it all out, I had stopped counting when an hour had passed.

"Are you okay Kian?" Jc had asked with a worried tone from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just texting my date," I managed to croak out before my voice cracked.

"Oh," Jc sighed before leaving, well at least I assume he left since I no longer heard breathing outside my door. The truth was I didn't even have a date, I was just so caught up in my thoughts that I spit that out at him. I guess I have to find a date now, I knew exactly who I was gonna ask, Jenn. (Jennxpenn)

To Jenn: From Kian:
Wanna be my date for the party tomorrow night? You don't have to, just hoping you'll say yes :/

That was a lie, I was actually hoping she'd say no. I loved Jenn as a friend nothing more, but assuming everyone thought I liked her I knew it wouldn't be a surprise if showed up with her at the party.

To Kian: From Jenn
Oh *blushing emoji* ok. Yeah I'll go with you, pick me up at 6:00?

To Jenn From Kian:
Sure :) see you tomorrow

I hated using Jenn like this but I didn't want it to look like I was lying when I told Jc I had a date.

After that I washed my face to not make it obvious I was crying and the made my way downstairs.

From the stairs I heard Jc talking and laughing with someone over the phone. I didn't want to be nosy but what can I say, I'm a curious person at heart.

"Yeah I'll talk to you later, I think I heard Kian open his door." Jc said to whoever was on the other line. ~~

"Yeah I know right, two hours later," Jc laughed at the comment the other person had said.

"I don't know what's wrong with him, he's been acting weird lately," Jc continued.

They were talking about me, good time to end the conversation. I walked over to the kitchen where Jc was sitting in the dining room.

I coughed opening the fridge letting him know I was here. "Oh um- talk to you later," Jc finished quickly hanging up.

"I left some leftover pizza in the fridge," Jc said eyeing me carefully.

"Thanks," I mumbled. "So who was that," I asked casually.

"Oh that was um Lia," Jc said hesitating.

I should've known.

"Oh that's nice," I said breathing steadily, trying to keep my cool.

"Yeah, anyways who's your date?.." Jc asked curiosity filling his eyes.

"Jenn," I said looking Jc straight in the eyes.

"T-that's cute, I mean you guys together, that's cute," Jc said, his words coming out in a jumble, he shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah thanks but we're not together yet actually," I said.

"Oh really," Jc said a split second of what sounded like relief. That couldn't be it though, he likes Lia. He likes girls. I like girls.

"I-I just thought you guys were already together, bit of surprised that's all," Jc said biting his lip, I loved when he did that, something about it just made it really h-

"Kian?.." Jc said snapping me out of my very wrong thoughts.

"Yeah, what?" I asked, thinking he had asked me something.

"Nothing, you just zoned out," Jc said laughing.

"Right. Sorry 'bout that," I said laughing alongside him.

"I should head off to bed, I'm still kind of jet-lagged from the flight," Jc said making those cute sleepy eyes that always tell me when he's about to fall asleep.

"I think I'm gonna head off to bed too," I agreed, starting to feel my lack of sleep kick in.

"Night," Jc smiled sleepily.

"Night," I replied back feeling the sudden urge to cuddle with him, but of course I would never ask him to cuddle since we're best friends and being best friends means no cuddling together.

A/N: 3 Votes and I'll upload the party chapter tomorrow :) I've been waiting forever for the next chapter <3 Remember to COMMENT, VOTE, and of course read.

Kisses xoxo - A

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