Chapter 20

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A/N: Can we get 6+ votes on this chapter? ;)
Dedication: Mari0228 for the comments that make me smile <3

~Jc's POV~

"Get up!" I said shaking Kian awake.

"No leave me alone," Kian said annoyed that I had woken him up.

"I'm not leaving you alone 'til you get your lazy ass up," I said sitting on top of Kian.

"Fine then, I didn't want to have to do this, but since you won't get off me," Kian said grabbing me.

He pulled me in closer wrapping his arms around me and putting me next to him like I was his teddy bear.

I would never admit it, but I liked it. His arms wrapped around me firmly.

I struggled to get out of his grip as he just lay there a smirk on his face while his eyes were closed.

"You're the one who didn't want to get off me in the first place so now you're not going anywhere. At you're request of course," Kian laughed lowly.

"I never asked to be trapped like this!" My pout slowly turning into a smile.

"Fine, I'll let you go, but only because I'm hungry and want food," Kian said letting me go.

"I'm free!" I yelled, getting out of his bed quickly before he could capture me again.

"Oh and for trapping me, I get to use the bathroom first!" I said scurrying over to the bathroom with my clothes.

"Hey! That's not fair!" I heard Kian say from the other side of the bathroom door. I was just happy things were going back to normal.

"I'm done, how do I look?" I said coming out of the bathroom door and twirling around so Kian can get a better look at me.

I was wearing tight black skinny jeans with a white top that showed my structure.

Kian looked at me, I could've sworn his mouth was open, but in the blink of an eye it was closed. He quickly looked away, pink on his cheeks.

I looked away trying not to smile at his reaction. Heat was slowly making its way to my cheeks as I walked up to Kian. I was about to hold his hand when I realized what I was doing. I stopped, slowly turning away, thankful that Kian hadn't noticed me walking over. What was I about to do? Was I really that stupid? We weren't dating I couldn't just hold his hand like that.

"Um- your turn to change," I said pulling him toward the bathroom.

"Okay, okay I'm going," Kian smirked, making me blush.

"And hurry up we don't have all day. I'm gonna go meet up with the other boys for breakfast, meet us in the lobby," I said, texting the guys to meet me at breakfast.

"Morning Trevy," I said pulling Trevor into a hug.

"Hey How's Kia-" He was interrupted by a raging Sam who stomped over to our breakfast table. It was clear he hadn't gotten any sleep from the bags under his eyes.

Connor was right at his tail. Signaling to us that he wasn't in a good mood. "Why so grumpy Sammy?" I asked hoping I didn't cross the line by calling him 'Sammy'.

"Why don't you ask Mr.Love bird over there?" Sam spat, rolling his eyes.

"Okay...Connor what's wrong with him?" I asked taking a bite of my toast.

"Well..I was just talking with Troye at night because I wasn't able to see him this weekend, and I guess we got a little too loud." Connor mumbled the last part blushing.

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