Chapter 15

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A/N: So I don't really have anything to say except THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 800+ READS IT SERIOUSLY MEANS THE WORLD TO ME KNOWING THAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY READ MY STORY. I would've never thought I'd get more than 20 reads <3 (Remember 6+Votes or comments for the next chapter)

~Jc's POV ~

Kian was still asleep next to me when I woke up. I instantly remembered the kiss. We had kissed. Shit. How could I have been so stupid to do that.

I would be lying if I said I felt nothing from the kiss. It actually scared me how much I had enjoyed it. I couldn't get the feel of his soft lips against mine out of my mind. I had practically begged for him to kiss me, then as if I couldn't have been more stupider I kissed him back.

We both were probably just curious on how it felt to kiss a guy, that's it. Nothing else, just experimenting. I couldn't let Kian think that I was gay or liked guys in that way, I had to tell him I was just curious.

I have been really confused over the past few months, I've never questioned my sexuality, but Kian was giving me second thoughts. What was happening to me? I needed to stop whatever feelings were forming.

"HEY KIAN WHERE'S JC-?" JJ shouted bursting through Kian's door, shaking my thoughts away. Kian got up immediately, looking rather confused on who was at the door.

"OH! Jc..-what's going on here?" JJ asked pointing between me and Kian confused. Kian quickly got out of the bed.

"It's um not what it looks like-," Kian said scratching the back of his head.

"Jc was having nightmares so he came to sleep in here," Kian continued.

"Well -okay," JJ said smacking his lips together and holding the 'ay' for longer before awkwardly stepping out of the room. "Oh and I made breakfast," JJ called out from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah we'll be there in a sec," I called back.

I avoided making eye contact with Kian. "You want to use the bathroom first?" Kian asked, I could feel him looking up at me.

"Um -I'm actually gonna go back to my room, see you at breakfast." I said still not looking at him.

"Right, " Kian said. I could practically feel the awkward tension in the room and I hated it. We needed to talk about what happened last night soon.

I quickly got out of the room leaving the awkwardness. I knew it was a terrible idea to have done that last night, yet I went along with it, but why had Kian went along with it?

'He probably regrets it too,' I thought, feeling a bit disappointed, but why? I regretted it too...didn't I?

I know I like to live in the moment, but now I'm reconsidering that, knowing that there can be long consequences for small moments.

I couldn't shake the feeling. What if this wasn't a consequence, what if this was the beginning of something?

'Stop being stupid,' I thought, sighing.

-Kian's POV -

Not gonna lie, it was super awkward this morning. I have to tell someone how I've been feeling lately or it's slowly going to kill me. I know the only person that knows what I'm going through is Connor.

I haven't talked to him ever since our 'fight', but I really need someone to talk to and he's one of the most trustworthy people I know. He's like Gandhi, but young and pretty attractive/a good sense in style, not to mention gay-

Okay, no never mind he's not really like Gandhi at all. All I know is that he's wise and gives good advice, sounds like some version of Gandhi to me.

I called Connor letting him know I would be at his house in an hour. I didn't really let him speak now that I think back at it.
(our phone call)

"Yeah I don't have any plans,"

"Okay, I'm coming over,"

"Oh, okay yeah su-" Connor started before I hung up.

(End of phone call)

I knew that what I was going to tell Connor was something difficult for me to talk about, but I knew I had to. I can't avoid it anymore.

A/N: 6+ votes for
The next chapter...hehe anyways.. (more Connor yay!) Remember to VOTE, COMMENT AND FOLLOW only if you want of course :))

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