Chapter 16

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A/N: Can we get 5+ votes and 3 comments (Not just from one person for the next chapter? ;) <3 Enjoy

-Kian's POV -

I sat outside Connor's apartment waiting for him to open the door. He came out of his door, looking tired.

"Oh, hi Kian, how are y-," He was cut off by me pushing past him, going into his apartment.

"You were right." I said pulling him in the house.

"Wait, about what?" Connor asked still confused and a little dazed from waking up not long ago.

"I do feel something for -you know," I said a little blush creeping on my cheeks.

"I still don't underst-..Oh, OH!" Connor gasped wrapping his head around what I had just confirmed.

"So like you're ga-" Connor said slowly.

"Don't say It," I said quickly cutting him off before he could finish the question. "I don't know what I am," I responded back.

"Right, sorry, I know it's hard to admit things like that." Connor said looking up at me, clearly looking sorry.

"It's fine," I said wanting to change the subject, but I knew I had to tell him what had happened between me and Jc.

"Umm..I don't know how to say this so I guess I'll just flat out say it..." I breathed in, still hesitant to tell him.

"Okay, what is it? You can tell me anything," Connor smiled, taking a sip of his water.

"We kissed." I said, looking up quickly to see his reaction.

He spit out the water, causing him to start choking. When he was finished coughing he looked at me still having a hard time breathing. "YOU WHAT?" He finally choked out.

"We kisse-" I started again.

"I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID. BUT TELL ME WHAT, MORE SPECIFICALLY HOW THAT HAPPENED!" He said shaking my shoulders, searching me for a answer that I had yet to give him.


"Okay fine I'll tell you, but calm down." I pleaded.

"Okay! DEAL! Oh, I'm still screaming, I'll calm down now." Connor said sitting in front of me waiting for the story.

I collected myself taking another deep breath, before spilling everything to him.


It was silent by the time I was done telling him what had happened. Connor broke the silence first.

"Wow..I don't know what to say, except...I THINK HE LIKES YOU TOO!" Connor said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I felt like we were teenage girls talking about our school crushes.

"I don't think so Connor..he doesn't feel anything for me." I said feeling a wave of sadness wash over me.

"He was probably just experimenting."

"I think that there's more to it than "just experimenting", I see the way he looks at you," Connor smirked.

"Yeah, I don't think so, I don't even want to like him because I know I'm gonna be the one ending up hurt," I said completely denying that Jc could like me. He was straight anyways.

"What if you told him you liked him? Or since he is still your best friend you can tell him you're ga- I mean you know not into girls in that way," Connor suggested remembering that I wasn't comfortable saying I was gay out loud yet.

"ARE YOU INSANE? I'M NOT GOING TO TELL HIM I LIKE HIM! YOU KNOW HOW AWKWARD IT WAS THIS MORNING ALL BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CONTAIN MY STUPID EMOTIONS AND KISSED HIM!" I felt the tears hot against my cheeks as I remembered I had probably just lost my best friend because of what had happened.

Connor hugged me as I cried into his shoulder. "It was a stupid idea, okay, calm down." Connor said soothingly still hugging me tight.

"I know what I need to do." I said wiping my eyes, embarrassed that I had just showed my sentimental side.

"And what would that be?" Connor asked curiously, waiting for my answer.

"Although I've decided I'm not going to tell him how I feel, I think we should at least talk about the kiss, possibly today." I said already feeling nervous about talking to Jc.

"Maybe you should just explain that you got caught up in the moment or that you were experimenting." Connor suggested.

"You're probably right. I'm going now," I said standing up from the couch.

"Wait, Now? Like Now Now?" Connor asked surprised, but got up from the couch as well.

"Yeah, the sooner the better," I said laughing at Connor's shocked state.

"I'm coming with you." Connor stated, grabbing his keys.

"No, I should do this by myself," I said blocking Connor from reaching the door.

"You do realize I'm coming no matter what you say right?" Connor said pushing past me.

"Ugh, fine," I groaned, following Connor out the door.


We parked our cars in front of Jc and I's house and made our way to the front door.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Connor asked worried for me.

"I need to, I can't have it being awkward between us anymore," I said fidgeting with my fingers. I pulled the keys out of my pocket turning the knob kind of hoping Jc wasn't home.

(A/N: Jc's POV is a little before Kian and Connor go in the house)

~Jc's POV~

I slammed Lia against the door making our way towards the couch. Our lips kissed messily.

Nothing like Kian and I's kiss- 'Stop thinking about that stupid kiss. The whole point of this is to forget about what happened last night.'
My mind reminded me.

I had called Lia to help me forget about him, again. It felt like this had been happening a lot lately. It wasn't even that I wanted to be with Lia.

I would rather be kissing Ki-. 'Stop. Don't. Even. Finish. That. Thought.'
I practically forced myself to stop thinking about Kian. I didn't want another repeat of the last time I was making out with Lia and had moaned Kian's name.

"Oh, Jc," Lia moaned, snapping me out of my thoughts. Our tongues sloppily explored each other mouths. I just wanted it to end already.

I got my wish when I heard someone come in the front door. I guess Lia hadn't heard it because she just pressed harder, forcing our mouths to go deeper. It was probably just JJ that had walked in.

I heard the footsteps coming closer and then I heard the voice that I was hoping would be the last person to see me in this position.

"Jc?" Kian had said, his voice sounding like it was about to crack.

I pushed Lia away from me earning a whine from her, I couldn't care less. I looked up and there he was, Kian. Connor was beside him, his mouth open like he was shocked, looking at me ashamed.

A/N: Don't know what to say besides please don't hate me :/
I know what I'm doing, sort of...
lol <3 Remember VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW!  I actually really like the way I wrote this chapter :)

Kisses xoxo -A

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