Chapter 7: Rest

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Madeline and Thomas spoke very little as they returned to the Glade, probably because they were both in pain as they walked. Thomas had a messed up ankle and Madeline's bones and muscles in general just ached with fatigue.

But no complaints were heard from either of them. Thomas tried to ask Madeline about how she managed the Griever but she just answered with, "I'd rather not talk about it, Thomas."

Madeline's cheeks still felt heated from her and Thomas' kiss. Where had that even come from? The passion and longing that she felt from Thomas' lips made her wonder so much. She tried to push the kiss out of her mind but she failed. She could still feel the warmness on his lips pass onto hers. She ended up shaking her head frantically and then closed her eyes as they walked.

"What is it?" Thomas definitely had something on his mind too.

"Oh nothing. Long night, that's all." Madeline cleared her throat but kept her eyes ahead of her. Thomas nodded in reply.

"Oh my God! Guys! Guys! They made it!" Chuck jumped up and down as Thomas and Madeline entered the Glade. Immediately boys came from every direction huddling around the two survivors. They both panted and Madeline tried to smile.

"You guys look bloody horrible." Newt appeared and stared at them.

"Nice to see you too, dude." Madeline felt like she could collapse but she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of the boys by fainting on the spot. Newt gave a small grin, but he looked scared to death.

"Alby." Madeline whispered as she kept eye contact with Newt.

"God, please tell me he is still alive..."

Newt's eyes darkened. "Barely." Gally stepped forward. Madeline pulled the serum out of her backpack.

"Take me to him."

Alby immediately went right to sleep when Madeline injected him with the serum. She felt herself almost smile as she saw Alby's muscles and body relax with contact from the syringe. He was safe. She stared at his peaceful body for a few moments before Minho spoke.

"So, now that he is going to be alright, can you and Thomas tell us what happened last night? You guys have been acting differently ever since." Minho had his arms crossed like he almost always did. Madeline looked at him and sighed.

"I'm sorry. I think it's just because I didn't sleep at all last night and poor Thomas almost cracked his foot in half. Last night was rough."

Minho nodded. "I understand. Did you guys see a Griever?" Madeline scoffed and shifted on her feet before answering.

"We barely survived." Memories of the night before filled her mind and she gave a deep breath. The kiss.

"Man. I'm not even going to ask. We are just glad you're here. You saved Alby's life." Minho stepped forward so he was only a few inches away from Madeline. She tried to smile.

"I'm glad Alby is okay." Minho nodded but kept his eyes on her.

"Why did you do it? Why did you risk your life for Alby? More importantly, why when the walls were closing yesterday, you didn't leave Thomas behind and just run inside the Glade?"

Madeline felt her heart begin to beat a little faster than usual. The thought did strike her odd.

"I really don't know." Then it hit her. She looked into Minho's eyes.

"I've seen too many people die by the hands of Grievers. My family. Peter. I saw Ben die. I couldn't let Thomas be murdered." She said in a low whisper that was filled with sadness. Minho's eyes filled with confusion.

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