Part 8: The Truth

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Madeline stared at her old friend in shock.

"You mean.. that old-" She stopped herself when a look of hurt flashed across Peter's face.

"Yes him. I know he can be a little... harsh." Madeline couldn't process what Peter was saying over the constant ringing in her head. She twitched suddenly and instantly grabbed the sheets by her side.

There was a few awkward seconds of silence before Madeline spoke, a look of fear on her face.

"I think you should get out of here." She said suddenly, staring at the wall in front of her. Peter shook his head.

"I don't feel like leaving you again." Madeline could feel her body begin to glitch and the feeling of just wanting to punch something was rising higher every second. And if she did punch something, her only target was Peter.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere for a while, you could always come back later." She said, her voice irritable.

Peter stared at her for a moment, his face showing obvious hurt. Then he realized what was going on.

"Listen. This whole thing happening. It's my fault." he confessed sadly. Madeline snapped a look at him.

"I don't understand."

"The chip. I-it's my fault that it's acting like this." The boy was pale and he had a look of guilt flashing in his green eyes.

"How could it possibly be-"

"It's Wicked!" Peter suddenly yelled. "You're not safe. It's Wicked. It's always been Wicked. My dad? He works for them. They aren't trying to rescue you. In fact, they are going to harvest all of you." Madeline shook her head.

"I don't know what you're-"

"It's my fault you're dying! Wicked has the ability to control the chips in our brains" -he pointed to his head- "When I was rescued, Wicked brought me here. But they didn't keep the secret from me. They told me straight up that they were Wicked, but they didn't tell me their plans. They then told me that Janson is my father and that he would teach me the different systems in the building." Madeline narrowed her eyes to slits.

"So you work for them? They recruited you? And you listened?!" She yelled as the ringing in her head got louder.

"It's not that simple! I didn't really have a choice! I didn't complain because, well I got to watch you in the Glade!"

"What?!" Madeline's voice was on the verge of screaming.

"They had cameras! They let me be in the lab so I could watch you every day walking around, sneaking on the boys before you met them. I was there the entire time when you thought I was dead." Peter lowered his voice, his light green eyes reflecting off the fluorescent lights in the room. Madeline's eyes on the other hand, were dark as she tried to fight the oncoming tantrum.

"Peter, so how does that make the chip your fault?" She calmed her voice and crossed her arms.

Peter let out a deep breath before speaking. "When I....when I returned... to Wicked, they gave me all my memories back." At this, Madeline uncrossed her arms and stared at the boy in shock.


"I don't know why they did it... but they did. And I remembered Thomas." Peter shook his head.

"When I saw him in the Glade... I knew he would go for you. He always liked you..." His voice faded off.

"Get to the point." Madeline snapped. Peter looked at her a second before continuing.

"And he did go for you, just like I thought. And when he kissed you..." His cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink. "I became so... so angry. Angry at him. Angry at you. I was mad. I thought you loved me." His voice cracked from nervousness.

"And so I acted. I hacked the system that control the chip. You were hardly experiencing any problems with it yet, but you had been stung so the Syndrome had been activated... waiting to attack." Madeline couldn't reply as her brain began to realize what was being said. Her heart began to race and she felt the tantrum pushing on her, making the girl want to start hitting things with all her might.

She twitched again, but didn't react this time, waiting to see what Peter was going to say.

"... I was so mad, Madeline. So... I made the Syndrome do its job." Madeline's jaw dropped at his words.

"I regret it!! I regret everything I did to you! It's all my fault! I didn't think it would kill you! I just wanted Thomas to see that you were crazy and back off." Peter tried to defend himself.

Madeline stood up suddenly, kicking herself out of bed.

"You tried to make me look like a psycho so that Thomas wouldn't love me!" She yelled, pointing a shaking finger at Peter's chest.

"Well you know what? You failed! I will die! But Thomas still loves me and there's nothing you can do about it!" She pushed her finger into Peter's ribs.

Fear overtook the boy's body as he saw the sanity leave Madeline's eyes completely. He tried to scoot back on the bed, but Madeline grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him off the bed. She threw him on the floor, screaming in his face.

"Look what you did! Look what you created! You created a lunatic! A psycho! A freak! A monster!! All because of your petty jealousy!" She jumped on top of him, grabbing his collar again, shaking him senseless.

"I hope you're happy! You murderer! Look what you did! Look at your big mistake!" She shrieked, beginning to hit him repeatedly. Peter managed to push her off since he was now stronger and taller.

"Madeline!" he stood up and yelled, pushing the girl back. Blood dropped down his mouth where Madeline had punched him.

"I'm sorry!" He screamed back at her.

"You liar!" She pointed her finger again, the wild in her eyes showing enormously. "You're not sorry!" She protested, her voice sounding like a possessed witch.

"You think you could separate two people that are in love!" She laughed. "What do you know about love? Nothing!" Suddenly she picked up a pipe that was in the corner of the room and raised it above her head, a maniacal grin on her face.

Peter panicked. He put his hands up in surrender.

"Madeline please! Think!Think about what you're doing!" He yelled in fear. Madeline let out a cackle, the silver pipe threatening to come down upon Peter's head.

"Psychos don't think!" She screamed. And swung. Barely missing Peter's temple, he dodged.

"Stop!" He suddenly yelled.

Madeline laughed. "Coward!" She spit.

"Madeline please! You don't know what you're-" Madeline swung sideways, hitting the right side of Peter's face.

He hit the floor, instantly going unconscious. Madeline screamed in celebration at her success. Although, tears streamed down her face. She knew what she had just done.

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