Chapter One- Moving With Connor

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"But Connor, you caaaan't move!" I whine to my older brother. He's one of my best friends (I know, that sounds absolutely pathetic, but he's a really great guy), and he's leaving for California for the summer.
"Then come with me, Rachel! You'll get to hang out with me and the guys, and in California, too!" Connor laughs, forcing an old sweatshirt into his already overpacked suitcase.
"I still have another year of high school left!"
"Then just come for the summer!" Connor's green eyes light up, realizing that arguing against that would be absolutely ridiculous.
"Really? You don't think having your little sister around would be a pain?" I laugh.
"Rachel, look at it this way. If Ricky wasn't there, I wouldn't let you come with me. You know I love you, but I don't think I could stand having it just be me and you 24/7." He begins to zip his first suitcase, forcing all of his clothes into it.
"Haha, okay. I'm gonna go get packed!" I dart for my room, thinking about what I'm gonna need. Besides, they are California boys, I need to look good.
"You better pack fast, Rach! Our plane leaves in 3 hours, and we have to get there at least an hour early to get through security and get some Starbucks!" I hear Connor yell down the hallway. Getting Starbucks for the plane ride? He knows me so well.

I'm sorry this is a fetus chapter! Don't worry, at least one more chapter is going up tonight. I hope you're enjoying it so far! c:
-Rachel cx

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