Chapter Twenty-One- "I do."

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I'm woken up by soft, gentle kisses up my neck.
"Rachie, it's time to get up," Ricky whispers.
"But everything's perfect right here," I mutter sleepily, smiling.
"Awe, Rach, I know, but, you know, we have a wedding to get to." My eyes pop open. Ricky makes me forget everything, apparently even our wedding. I sit up quickly, and Ricky laughs.
"You excited?" Ricky chuckles.
"Yes! I'm marrying the most perfect man ever today!"
"What a coincidence, I'm marrying the most amazing woman ever today!" I kiss him.
"Well, babe, the next time I see you, we'll be getting married! I love you so much, my amazing fiancé!"
"I love you more, my sweet, beautiful, and perfect wife-to-be!" He grabs my waist, pulling me close, and I almost get engulfed in the kiss, but I break away.

I get to the dressing area, where they're setting up for the bridesmaids and I. I walk into the room, smiling like a little kid.
"Hey, Sabrina!" I say, greeting my tall, black-haired hair and makeup artist.
"Hey, Rachel! You ready for your big day?"
"Never been more ready in my life!" I laugh.
"Hey, Mark!" I say, greeting the photographer.
"Hey, Rachel! Don't mind me! Actually, seriously, just pretend I'm not here." I smile as he snaps a few pictures of me. He took our engagement pictures too, so I have faith that he'll do well with our wedding, as he did before.
Sabrina fashions my hair into loose, flowy curls that fall just below my shoulders.
"Awe, it looks perfect!" I squeal, smiling.
"Great! Now turn this way, it's makeup time!"
She keeps my makeup pretty minimal, and I am extremely pleased with how it turned out. My mom walks in and hugs me.
"Your father's crying like a baby," she giggles.
"Is Connor consoling him?" I laugh.
"Yup!" Sarah replies, walking through the door with Hayley.
"Hey, Rachel! Today's it, huh? You pumped?" Hayley asks, smiling.
"Of course!" I reply, hugging them.
Hayley and Sarah get their makeup done as I slip into my dress, and my mom tears up.
"Oh, Rachel, it seems like you were just starting kindergarten a second ago, and now, here we are, at your wedding!" She wipes the tears from her face.
"Trust me, mom. The only thing that'll change is that Ricky'll actually legally become part of the family, because we know we've considered him part of it for three years now." We laugh.

Hayley and Sarah slide into their baby blue bridesmaid dresses, and Mark takes a couple of pictures, and we head to the gardens on foot. Luckily, we have pretty comfortable heels, so it's not that terrible of a walk.
"Rachel, I can't believe the day's finally here!" Hayley says, smiling.
"I know! I swear I just met you and Connor like two months ago!" Sarah adds, laughing.
"That's because you did. We've just known Ricky for three years, so it's not as sudden as it seems."
"Oh, duh!" she giggles.

We get to the gardens, and stand in line for the processional. I hear the band start the soft, beautiful music for the bridal party and our families. The processional moves slowly, but in time with each beat of the soft, graceful music. Hayley and Connor walk up, and then JC's little sister Ava Grace walks down as the flower girl with JC's other little brother, Joey as the ring bearer. The music changes to soft, beautiful piano music, and I know that's my cue. I feel my dad take a deep, shaky breath in, and we take the first step, which reveals everyone standing; some smiling, some crying, and some doing a little of both. I see Ricky with his jaw slightly dropped and a tear rolling down his right cheek. My dad smiles.
"Rachel, I'm glad you're marrying Ricky. Look at him, look at how happy he is to have you." I start tearing up, realizing the truth behind his words. There was not one ounce of Ricky that didn't look like he was entirely in love.
My dad kisses my cheek and Ricky reached for my hand, grabbing it.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."
"You are the handsomest boy I have ever seen." He wipes a tear from his cheek, and everybody sits down.

The gorgeous service goes by without a hitch, and then the moment comes.
"Ricky, do you take Rachel to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" our minister asks.
"I do." Ricky looks into my eyes, smiling, and I can't help but smile. The minister turns to me.
"Rachel, do you take Ricky to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" our minister muses.
"I do." I tear up, and Ricky smiles, squeezing my hands.
We place our rings on each other's fingers.
"Ricky, you may now kiss your bride." Ricky grabs me by the waist, pulling me close. He kisses me, but holding back, so we don't make a scene in front of everyone. The crowd erupts in applause, and he pulls away, hugging me, and looking into my eyes. we turn to face the standing crowd.
"With great happiness, I now present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dillon!" the minister declares, and the applause is even louder than it was before.

We walk down the aisle hand-in-hand, smiling at each other.

-Rachel ;D

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