Chapter Thirteen- "A whole year?"

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*NOTE, PLEASE READ- 3 weeks have passed in the story. Okay? Okay.*

I flutter my eyes open, and see a piece of paper beside me.

"Hey Rachie,
Come downstairs when you wake up ;D
-Ricky =]"

I stretch, and walk downstairs, seeing Ricky on the couch staring at a piece of paper.
"What's that?" I ask, sitting down on his lap.
"Guess who just got an early acceptance letter to the University of California at Berkeley?" he says, smiling.
"I DID? BUT I STILL HAVE ANOTHER YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL!" I scream, overjoyed and in disbelief.
"Rachie, you have a 4.0 GPA and are taking 3 college classes already. Did you really want to sit through another year of high school?" he asks, laughing.
"Touche." I laugh, and lean on his chest.
"And guess who gets to keep the beach house?" I look up at him, and my jaw drops.
"You? We get to be together for a whole year?" He smiles and nods. I kiss him, giggling.

Connor hobbles down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"Food. I like food. I'm gonna eat this food," he mumbles to himself. He turns around.
"Did you tell Rachel yet?" he asks Ricky, forking down scrambled eggs.
"You knew?" I ask, turning around.
"Duh, I'm your brother. And since you're staying, I am too."
"Oh, yay!" I smile.
"Do you want to take a walk with me on the beach?" Ricky asks.
"Of course!" I reply.

He takes my hand, intertwines our fingers, and pulls me out the door. We walk down to the beach at the end of the block. I can feel the sand between my toes.
"So, are you liking California?" he asks, smiling.
"Yeah, a lot. I met this amazing guy, and I love him a lot." He smiles.
"No way! I met this amazing girl who I love more than anyone could ever understand."

i'll try and update tomorrow but I'm gonna be in the car for four hours sooooo
i'll try =]
i hope you're all liking it ;D
-Rachel =]

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