Chapter Twenty-Two- "Because of this."

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Mark takes some more pictures of us after everyone clears out, and then we head out to the wood patio, where the reception is being held. The DJ announces the bridal party, and then us, and there's a huge round of applause.
"So now, we're going to get the bride and groom on the floor for their first dance together!" Ricky takes my hand, and walks with me out to the wooden dance floor. He takes my waist, pulling me close. The song 'Everything' by Michael Buble comes on, and we start our dance. Our foreheads are touching, and he's looking into my eyes.
"Rachel, guess what?" he whispers.
"What?" I ask, giggling.
"I love you."
"I love you too." He kisses me, laughing.

The song ends and everyone claps.
"Next, we're gonna have the bride and her father dance!" Ricky kisses my cheek, and heads back to the table. My dad comes up, smiling. The DJ puts on 'Butterfly Kisses,' and my dad and I dance to that, and he cries practically the entire way through.
"Your dishes are coming out, and while that's happening, the groom will be dancing with his mother." 'What a Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong begins, and they dance.
"We now are welcoming everyone out on the dance floor!" the DJ announces, and begins an upbeat song.

We eat our steak dinner.
"Rachel, I want to show you something," Ricky whispers to me, grabbing my hand. He pulls me outside to the flower-lined gazebo we got married under, and it's gotten dark out, except for a few stars.
"Awe, the stars are gorgeous!" I say, smiling.
"Just wait, honey. Let me first tell you that August 31st  wasn't the first day I could've gotten."
"Why'd you choose it then?" I ask, laughing. I mean, there was not a day more gorgeous than today, so I really couldn't be angry.
"Because of this." He points to the sky, which is being illuminated by fireworks. Ricky grabs my waist, pulling my back against him. I laugh.
"How'd you know about this?" I ask curiously.
"I didn't just know about it, I arranged it. Descanso offers this for a little extra, but they couldn't do it any earlier than today, and I really wanted it." I turn and face him, kissing him. I notice Mark behind us, taking pictures, and I laugh. That man really is dedicated to his job.

Ricky pulls me in close again, kissing my forehead.
"Rachel, I love you more than anything in the world, and nothing at all could ever change that."
"I love you more than I love my cat. That's saying a lot." He laughs, rubbing my back. The fireworks end, and we head back in.
"There they are!" My dad announces from the front of the room, pointing to us. Ricky waves, smiling.
"So, I'm gonna do my toast, then I'm handing it off to the groom!" I smile. "So, when Rachel was a little girl, she was the most adorable kid in the universe, and her pictures prove it." He points to the projector, and a picture of me, somewhere around four or five comes up, and my face is covered in cake, and Ricky practically dies laughing. "She was way too hyper, and that's saying a lot, because Connor was our first child. Here she is at 19, getting married, and starting college. Rachel, you've grown up so fast," he tears up, but continues, "but I'm glad you're getting married to Ricky. He's been part of the family for three years, but now it's legal. Ricky, treat her right. If you don't, I will hunt you down." Everyone laughs, and Ricky nods. Ricky walks up to him, hugs him, and he hands him the microphone.
"Well, I can tell you sir that it is a guarantee that I will treat her right, because I love her too much to hurt her." Everyone 'aww's, and he continues. "Well, like I said yesterday, when Rachel walked in, I saw something special about her. What I didn't tell you guys was what was running through my mind. Will she like me? Am I too sassy? Wait, she's Connor's sister. Am I too much of a brother to her? Am I saying all of this out loud? God, I hope not." Everyone laughs. "Rachel, I loved you from the day you walked in that door, and I will love you past the day I die. You're my best friend, my love, and now you're my wife, and I couldn't be happier. I love you so much, and I love you more every second of every day." I walk up and hug him.
"I thought you should all know that Ricky was muttering this earlier, and he said that when he finished, he would sit down and ask me if he 'nailed it.' You did, honey, you did." He smiles, and grabs my hand, squeezing it.
"Now, we have a slideshow of the bride and groom! If anyone else would want to give a toast to the bride and groom, you may after this slideshow." The DJ starts the slideshow, and the song 'Little Things' comes on. A picture of me the day I was born comes up, beside a picture of Ricky the day he was born. I rest my head on Ricky's shoulder, and watch the slideshow intently.

The slideshow ends on a picture of us waving from the engagement pictures, with the song 'Marry Me' in the background. There isn't a dry eye in the house, except for Ricky and I. Everyone claps, smiling.
"Is there anyone else who would like to give good wishes to the bride and groom?" Hayley and Sarah give toasts, and then Connor comes up.
"Rachel, Ricky, of course I have to give a little speech, due mostly to the fact that I'm the reason you know each other. Ricky, I knew you and my sister would be great friends the moment I met you, because you're both outgoing, sassier than Nicki Minaj and Beyonce combined–which is what I actually told Rachel on the drive to the house here–, and just look good together. I mean, look at that!" Connor motions to the picture of us still up on the projector. "But, anyway, Ricky, you're finally actually my brother. Rachel, you're my baby sister, and are married before me, what the heck? Ricky and Rachel, I love you. A lot. That's it, thanks!" Connor hands the DJ the microphone, and sits back down, smiling.
"All of the single women, come on up! Rachel's gonna be tossing the bouquet!" A bunch of women scramble up, and I turn around, count to three, and throw it. Sarah catches it, and mouths 'YESSSSSS'.
"Now all of the single men, Ricky's gonna be tossing the garter, get out here!" Ricky smiles awkwardly, and reaches up the dress, grabbing the garter. He turns around and tosses it. JC catches it, and then kisses his girlfriend, Sierra, who looks absolutely gorgeous in a lavender dress.

The reception continues for another hour or so, and then we get ready to leave. All of the guests get sparklers (except for the young kids, but most have left anyway, so it's irrelevant) and they all make a path outside. I have one, as does Ricky. Everyone lights them, and Ricky hands me his, picks me up, and runs through the path everyone's made, smiling.
"We love you!" Ricky and I yell, and walk back to the hotel, which is very close. Ricky's phone vibrates, and he checks it, and dies laughing.
"What?" I laugh.
"Look at what your brother said!" He hands me his phone, and it reads, 'Get some, Ricky. You have to. Don't MAKE me come into your room, mister! You BETTER! GURLFRAND I WILL HURT YOU"
"Oh my god," I reply, doubling over laughing.
"I'm gonna give you a piggyback ride!" Ricky adds, pointing to his back.
"Alrighty!" I giggle, and hop on his back. We get to the hotel, and we run into the elevator, kissing.
"Rachel, you're the best."
"Awe hun, I think that's you!" I reply, smiling.

We get to the suite, and close the door, still kind of laughing at Connor.
"Rachel, you're the greatest."
"I disagree, you're the-" Ricky cuts me off mid-sentence with a kiss.

-Rachel ;D

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