Chapter Four- "You're such a fetus sometimes."

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"Ricky, you hungry?" I ask, standing at the open refrigerator.
"Rachie, I should be asking you that!" he replies, laughing.
"Well, you didn't, and now I'm asking you. Are you?"
"Yeah, actually, but I can make my own food!" Ricky pushes me away from the refrigerator.
"You're such a fetus sometimes, Ricky."
"A fetus?"
"A fetus." I nod.
"I'm older than you! I'm not the fetus here!" Ricky yells, grabbing me by the waist, and pulling me close.
"Only by a year! And your personality is more fetus-like!"
"Nope! I will tickle you until you agree with me!" He begins tickling my stomach. We fall to the floor, laughing.
"Ricky, fine. You're not a fetus. Okay?" I manage to sputter out in-between laughs.
"Okay. I knew I'd get you to agree with me." He smiles. Damn, he has a beautiful smile.

Wait, what am I saying?

He's my brother's best friend! I can't be thinking this! This isn't happening. Ricky's just a friend! Right? Connor's best friend!

"Rachie, are you okay? You zoned out, and now you look like you've seen a ghost." Ricky sits me up, genuinely concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine." No, I'm not. I like you.
"Are you sure? Do I need to call Connor?"
"No, really. I'll be fine. Thanks though, hun."
"Hun? Haha." He giggles.
"What?" I laugh.
"It's just, nobody's really called me hun before. I like it."
"No one's called me Rachie before, I like that too." He smiles happily. "I'll be right back, okay?"
"Alrighty, Rachie."

I run up to my bedroom, grab my phone, and dial Connor's number.
"Yeah?" Connor's voice picks up.
"I'm having a crisis, brudda. A crisis."
"Are you on your period? Do I need to pick up some tampons or something?" I chuckle.
"No. It's with Ricky."
"You don't like him? I was so sure you would, that sucks."
"No, I do like him. That's my problem."

Wellllll, I'm trying :) I hope y'all are liking this so far! c: I know these chapters are fetuses, I'm sorry.

-Rachel cx

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