Chapter Nineteen- "Stop stressing and be happy."

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I wake up, realizing my wedding is in two days.
"Ricky?" I ask, rubbing his torso. His eyes flutter open, and he smiles.
"Yeah, sweetie?"
"Guess what?"
"I'm gonna be married to the most beautiful girl in the world in two days?" I kiss his torso, giggling.
"Well, there's that." I smile. "But guess what else?"
"I got that walrus problem taken care of."
"Really?" he asks, grinning.
"Yeah, I just went all sassy on him."
"That's my girl." He pulls me closer, and I kiss up his bare torso, all the way to his lips.
"Awe, Rachie, I love you so much."
"I love you too, hun!"

He piggybacks me downstairs and begins making breakfast.
"Honey, you confirmed everything, right?" I ask, flipping through the planner.
"I did," he replies.
"Even the photographer and the caterer?"
"Yessss. Rachie, stop stressing and be happy. It's our happiest day, and it'll all work itself out." He walks up behind me and begins rubbing my shoulders.
"Awe hun, you're so sweet." I lean my head back, and he kisses me softly.
"Hey guys, are we interrupting?" Sarah asks, poking her head out from behind the living room wall.
"No, not at all!" I reply. Connor and Sarah walk in, smiling.
"So how's the soon-to-be-wedded couple?" Connor asks, smiling.
"I'm great, but Rachel here, she's stressing out," Ricky replies, leaning down and wrapping his arms around my neck.
"Awe Rachel, what's wrong?" Sarah asks, sitting down beside me.
"I just want everything to be perfect, you know? I don't want anything to go wrong, and it was planned so fast..." Ricky comes around, lifts me up, and sits down on the chair, putting me on his lap. I put my head on his shoulder, sighing.
"Rachie, it'll all be fine, I promise!"

There's a knock on the door, and I go to answer it, and Ricky chases me, grabbing my waist as I open the door. I see a tall man and a slightly shorter, but still tall woman at the door.
"Mom, dad, hey!" Ricky says, unhooking his arms from my waist. I hug his mom and dad, and we go into the living room and sit down.
"Would either of you like anything to eat or drink?" I ask, grinning.
"Well, you're marrying our son, so you know that's a loaded question," his dad laughs. "but yes, can I have a water, please?"
"Of course!" I reply, getting up.
"No, no, no, hun, they're my parents. Let me get them what they want," Ricky says, sitting me back down, and getting up and going to the kitchen.
"Mr. and Mrs. Dillon, hey!" Connor comes into the living room, greeting Ricky's parents. "How was your flight?"
"Hi, Connor! Not too terrible, actually, just extensive," Ricky's mother replies, smiling.
"That's great. Well, this is actually terrible timing, because I've gotta head out and get my tuxedo altered, but I'll be seeing you guys later!" Connor replies, waving as he walks out of the room.
"Don't you have to go too, sweetie?" I ask Ricky, as he walks back in with a glass of water.
"Oh, no. Mine fit me, but your brother's didn't."
"Oh, okay. Just making sure!" Ricky sits down beside me, putting his arm around me.
"So you're the infamous girl we've been hearing about?" Ricky's mom asks, smiling.
"I guess so!" I giggle.
"Well, aren't you just beautiful! Our family always knew how to pick out the good ones," Ricky's dad smiles genuinely.
"Thank you!" I reply, laughing.
"Ricky hasn't been able to stop telling us about you; how beautiful, talented, and sweet you are!" Ricky's mom adds.
"Really?" I ask, looking at Ricky, whose face is getting red. He shrugs.
"Rachel, I can bet you that if you heard the way he talked about you to other people, you'd think he was talking about a goddess," his dad adds. Ricky looks down shyly, biting his lip and rubbing his neck.
"Awe, hun, it's cute." I look at him, smiling. He kisses my cheek and laughs.
"Well you two are just adorable, aren't you?" his mom smiles. Ricky and I look at each other and shrug.
"We try," we say in unison.

We talk to his parents for a little longer, until there's another knock on the door, and it's my mom and dad.
"Mom, dad, what's up?" I ask, hugging them.
"Not much!" my dad replies, smiling.
"Where's your brother?" my mom asks, smiling.
"Oh, he just went out to get his tuxedo altered.
"Oh, okay!" We walk into the living room, where Ricky's parents are already sitting. They introduce each other, and we talk for a little while.
"So, where's the hotel?" Ricky's mom asks.
"Oh, well, it's not right at the gardens, but it's close," Ricky replies.

He gives them all the directions to the hotel and the gardens, and we say our goodbyes for the night.
"Your parents are really sweet!" I tell Ricky, as he closes the door behind him.
"Well, my mom approves of you, that's a good sign." He wraps his arms around me.
"Did you think she wouldn't?" I laugh, as he places soft kisses in my hair.
"It takes a lot for her to approve of people I date, let alone the girl I'm marrying."
"Oh, well, that's good then, right?"
"Most definitely!"

-Rachel ;D

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