Chapter Eight- "You know you like her, but you won't admit it to yourself."

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Ricky stands up.
"Hun, why'd you stand up?" I whine.
"Because we need to get back at your brother for that one, Rachie." He holds his hand out, I grab it, and he pulls me up.
"Ricky, can't we get back at him later?" I ask, still slightly whining.
"Fine. You know, you're the only one who can convince me to do anything. Even your brother can't, and I just go all sassy on him." I laugh, and he pulls me onto the wooden swing that's right on the shoreline. He swings it gently, and I lay my head down on his lap. He runs his hands through my hair.
"Rachie, this feels right." I look up at him and smile.
"Yeah, it does." He grins and looks down at me.
"I'm glad your brother brought you along. This is gonna be an awesome summer."
"That's so true, Ricky, that's so true." He laughs.

The sun sets and the sky darkens, turning the world pitch black.
"We should probably go inside, Rachie," Ricky says softly, cupping my face in his hand.
"But Ricky, this feels perfect."
"Then we can go inside and lay on the couch together, sweetie."
"Okaaaay." He sits me up, stands up, and then pulls me up. We stand there for a minute, eye-to-eye. He kisses me again, wrapping his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, giggling into the kiss.
"What?" he asks, smiling.
"You just make me happy, Ricky."
"You make me happy, too, Rachie." I giggle even more. "Let's go inside."

We pull away from each other, and begin to head back inside. The dimly lit living room illuminates the outside just enough to see where we're going. We walk inside, seeing Connor sitting on our black leather couch, doing something on his phone. He turns around and smiles at us.

"How is the lovely couple?" Connor jokes, laughing.
"Very well, thank you." Ricky replies. I smile.
"Hey Rach, how are Ricky's lips doing?" Even Ricky chuckles at that one. I roll my eyes, and yank open the refrigerator. I grab a 2-liter bottle of Sprite for myself and Ricky and a Coke for Connor. I drop down onto the couch, handing Ricky the Sprite.
"Rachie, where's my Sprite?" Ricky asks, jokingly nudging me.
"I'm too lazy to grab cups, so here."
"Alright, sweetheart. We're sharing this?"
"I figured we would, hun."
"'Hun?' 'Sweetheart?' You've been dating for an hour and a half, gosh!" Connor jokingly punches Ricky.
"Girlfriend, don't even get me started," Ricky replies, snapping between each word. 
"So Connor, how tired are your flirting muscles?" I ask him.
"Flirting muscles. Alright, I like it," Ricky interjects, chuckling. "but yeah, how are you and what's-her-face?"
"I'm actually texting her right now, and her name is Sarah," he replies seriously.
"Yeah, and mine's Ricky. Your point?" I laugh. Connor shrugs and looks down at his phone, eyes alight.
"Big Brudda, do you like Sarah?" I ask, elbowing him.
"No!" he responds quickly. Ricky and I look at each other and then look at him with looks that say, 'YOU DO AND YOU KNOW IT."
"Connor, you know you like her but you won't admit it to yourself," Ricky says, plopping down beside me on the couch.
"I'm tired. Night guys!" Connor says, jerking up from the couch.
"Have fun texting Shelby!" Ricky yells, laughing.
"SARAH! AND DON'T BE TOO LOUD TONIGHT, OKAY? I'D LIKE TO SLEEP SOME, THANK YOU." Connor screams back. He goes into his room and slams the door shut.

"Ricky, can we watch a movie?" I ask, looking up at him.
"Sure! What do you want to watch, Rachie?" He smiles.
"Shrek!" I smile, and he bursts out laughing. "What?"
"Nothing sweetie, I love that movie!"
"Do we have it?" I ask, getting up to make popcorn.
"Sweetheart, this is Ricky Dillon's movie collection we're talking about."
"Oh yeah, stupid question." We laugh, and he gets up to put Shrek in the DVD player. He pulls off his shirt. I just look at him and smile as the popcorn pops behind me in the microwave.
"What? Shirts are restrictive!" I break out in laughter.

He turns off the lights, lays back down, and starts the movie, which of course implies 10 minutes of previews. I walk over with the popcorn and look at him.
"What?" he asks, laughing.
"You're taking up the whole couch!" I laugh.
"I knowwww!" he laughs, "you can lay on me if you want, Rachie." He smiles flirtatiously.
"Alright, I'll put up with that." I joke, and he chuckles. I lay down with him, chest to chest, and he pulls a light white knit blanket over the two of us, and I put the popcorn on the floor. The movie starts, and I nuzzle into his bare chest. He runs one of his hands through my hair like he did outside.

I look up at Ricky near the end of the movie, and see him already looking at me. He smiles and kisses my forehead, still running one of his hands through my hair.
"You're amazing, sweetheart," Ricky whispers.
"You're amazinger." He laughs.
"That's not even a word. Neither is garbahoogen, but I like that too." I giggle.
"You're my favorite, Ricky."
"You're my favorite, Rachie." I feel his other hand meet mine, and intertwine our fingers. I kiss him sweetly and nuzzle back into his chest, happy with my life. I fall asleep on him, smiling and happy.

I reaaaally hope you guys are liking it! =] This has got to be the longest chapter so far, and I hope to write more this length or longer!

-Rachel =]

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