Chapter Five- "I'm HEEEEEREEEE!"

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"Wait, what?" Connor asks, genuinely confused.
"Ricky. I like him. And that's my crisis."
"So Ricky? In the goooood way?" Connor questions, playfulness inching into his voice.
"Maybe. Connorrrrrrr, what do I do? I've only been here for about two hours, and I'm already falling for him!"
"You're my sister, to be honest, he probably likes you too."
"You really think so?" I ask, giggling.
"For your sake, I'd hope so."
"I'm kidding. Rachel, I'm Ricky's best friend. I'll be able to tell you. I'll be there in a few minutes."
"Thanks, big brotherrrr."
"You're welcome, little sisterrrr. Love you!"
"You too!" The line cuts off. I walk out of the room, and see Ricky focused on writing something down on a piece of paper. I get downstairs and sit down beside him. He quickly flips the paper to a blank page.
"You trying to hide something from me, Ricky?" I playfully punch him.
"Nooooo," he says, getting up, and running in the other direction.
"Are you trying to get me to chase you?" I laugh, getting up.
"Maybeeeeee." I run toward him. Unbeknownst to me, he runs in the other direction, and grabs me by the waist, pulling me with him to the ground as he slips and falls.
"You're a butt," I chuckle.
"Nah, I'm just sassy."
"That's actually pretty true." He sits up, and I sit up with him (mostly due to the fact that I'm on his lap).
"Does it look like this face lies?" Ricky asks, gesturing to his face.
"No, I guess not." I pinch his cheek, and he smiles like a little kid, which makes me giggle. I hear the door unlock and open.
"Rachel, Ricky, I'm HEEEEEREEEE!" Connor sings.
"In the kitchen!" We both yell, still laughing a little. Connor drops everything and runs in.
"Hey, look! It's a wild Connor!" I yell, pointing to him. Ricky chuckles.
"Two wild humans in their natural habitat, named Rachel and Ricky," Connor imitates talking into a walkie-talkie. "So what have you been up to?" Connor asks, giving me a look that screams, 'HAVE YOU KISSED YET?' Ricky doesn't seem to notice.
"Not much, I just chased and captured the wild Rachel," Ricky says, chuckling, and poking my hips. I giggle.
"She can be pretty wild sometimes," Connor replies, amused. "We've got to unload the car, but we'll be back in a sec, okay Ricky?"
"Yeah, of course!" Ricky smiles.


I know, the story's picking up, though. More chapters later! =]
-Rachel cx

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