Chapter Twelve- "Did we...?"

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"Rachel, your brother Connor passed away last night." These words ring in my head like a broken record. Connor? My big, caring, amazing brother? He can't be dead. He can't!

My eyes open, and they're wet. Obviously, I was crying. I feel Ricky's arms around me, and I realize he's asleep. I look around, and realize I'm in his room. I pull out my phone and check the time. It's 1:30 am.
Wait, I'm in a bed.
And Ricky's shirtless.
When did this happen?
Did I miss something last night?
Did Ricky and I do something last night?
Ricky must've felt me moving, and his eyes blink open, and he smiles.
"Ricky, when did I get here?" I ask, curious. He yawns.
"Probably about two hours or so ago," he says, sleepily.
"Ricky, you know your sleepy voice is adorable, right?" I ask, smiling.
"Rachie, you know your face is adorable, right?" I giggle, and he pulls me in closer.
"Okay, so I have to ask, because we're here. Did we...?" I ask, and by the look on his face, obviously he's understanding what I'm hinting at.
"No, no, no. You were asleep, so I carried you up here. You still seemed kinda sad, so I brought you in here with me. You're also adorable, and I wanted you up here with me. I'm selfish, I know."
"It's okay, I am too. Honey, my room's not gonna get any use." He laughs.
"It will, but preferably, I'll be there with you. To be honest, I'm really loving getting to sleep with you."
"You too, Ricky, you too."
"I just realized that if anyone just heard that sentence they'd take it a way different way." We both crack up laughing. "So anyway, what are you doing up?"
"Bad dream, that's all."
"You okay?"
"Yeah, thanks hun." I nuzzle in deeper to his chest, smiling.
"I could get used to this." I can hear the smile in Ricky's voice.
"I think I already have." I giggle. My phone lights up. It's a text from my best friend back home.

From: Emilehhhh

(if you guessed me you're right)

Recieved: Tuesday, June 4th, 2013, 1:38 am

"Hey Ricky, you're finally gonna get to meet Emily!"
"That's awesome!" he smiles.
"I know!" I slide up to kiss him. His kiss gets even more passionate than it was earlier.

"Ricky, you're mine. Never forget that."
"Rachie, you're all mine. I won't ever let you forget it, don't worry."

Extremely small chapter, but I like developing their relationship with stuff like this, it's CYOOOOTE. =]
More tomorrow! You guys are my favoriteeeee okay =]
And y'all should check out my friend HayleyHurt's fanfiction about JC Caylen!
Doooo it =]

-Rachel ;D

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