Chapter Three- "Am I driving your brother away already?"

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We pack up the rental car with all of our stuff, and head out for our place for the summer.

"So, with anyone else, I feel like I'd have to warn you about Ricky, but you're practically a female version of him, so I really don't feel a need to."
"Haha, really?" I ask. Another me? Heck yes, I'm completely okay with that!
"Pretty much. You're both overly hyper and have more sass than Nicki Minaj and Beyonce combined."
"Oh damn, Connor just went there!" He laughs.

We arrive at the place. It's a beautiful beachhouse right by the ocean, and it's huge. I'm in disbelief that we get a place this perfect to live in this summer. I get out of the car, and look around.

"Connor, we don't have to unload right now, do we?" I question as we pull up into the driveway.
"No, not at all! I actually have to go and pick up some stuff, I'll probably be a little while. Just chill here with Ricky, and I'll be back! Love you!" Connor drives away.

The door opens, and a tall guy with brown hair in a tank top, shorts, and flip flops walks out.
"You must be Rachel! Hey!" He smiles brightly, and runs up to me and hugs me. I hug him back, laughing, and recognizing it's Ricky from all of the videos I've seen of him, and all of the Skypes and FaceTimes that Connor's had with him. "Am I driving your brother away already?" I laugh, and he smiles.
"No, haha. He just has to pick up some stuff, and he'll be a little while. But Ricky, show me around our casa!" He laughs, with the sweetest laugh I've ever heard, and I'm Connor Franta's sister, so that's saying a lot.
"Will do, Rachie!" He grabs my wrist, and pulls me into the house.
"Okay Ricky, this is officially one of the most amazing places I've ever seen." I'm in a front room, with a sand-colored marble winding staircase, and with marble tile. It's a huge room, with plants surrounding it.
"Let me show you the rest of the house!" Ricky pulls me into a beautiful, huge stone kitchen, directly beside an equally large, if not larger living room, stocked entirely with an Xbox and plasma-screen tv. There's a door out to a deck on the side wall.
"Ricky, this house is awesome!" I smile, overjoyed.
"I know, right? Let's go upstairs!" He pulls me back into the front room and up the marble staircase. The upstairs is open, and overlooks the kitchen and living room. To the right there are doors to two of the four bedrooms and a bathroom, and to the left, there are doors to the other two bedrooms and another bathroom.
"You and I are both on this side," Ricky says, pointing to the right. He brings me into one of the bedrooms on the right. There's a queen sized bed in all white sheets beside a sandy colored nightstand, with a lamp, a few magazines, and 2 drawers. There's a window overlooking the ocean on the side wall. "This is your room."
"I got the room with the view?"
"Yeah, I thought you should have it."
"Awe Ricky, you're nice." He shrugs.
"I try." I sit my purse down on the bed and go to sit down on the bed, and almost fall, but Ricky catches me. "You ok? These floors are marble, they are pretty slippery. Whoever thought of making marble floors in a house by the ocean, I will never understand."
"Yeah, I'm just a klutz." I notice his beautiful brown eyes, as he smiles, and sits me down on the bed. He plops down beside me.
"I think I'm gonna like it here," I say, smiling.
"I agree. I think it'll be better now that you're here. With Connor, of course. It won't be as boring." He laughs. I open the top drawer to put my purse in, and find a bunch of condoms.
"Ricky? Um..." I try to hold back my laughter and fail.
"Oh, this is my brother's house during the rest of the year. I didn't even know those were in there." He falls back on the bed, cracking up. "I've only been here for about a week. That's hilarious! Might as well be safe, though!" I fall back, laughing.
"Ricky, you're funnier in person."
"Rachie, I could say the same about you!"


I hope you guys like itttttt :)
-Rachel cx

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