Chapter Fourteen- "Your most perfect day ever."

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I rub my eyes, and then open them, seeing my beautiful boyfriend beside me, waking up. I grab my phone, and see it's 10 am, but I notice the date.

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013.

Ricky and I have been together for a month exactly.

I turn and look at him, smiling brightly. He's smiling back, obviously realizing it too.
"One month, eh?" he asks, yawning.
"What are you, Canadian?" He laughs.
"Maybe, I dunno." He shrugs, chuckling.

He picks me up and carries me bridal-style to the couch, and sits me down, kissing me passionately, but holding something back.
"Rachie, I am going to make this your most perfect day ever." He smiles sweetly.
"Okay," I reply, giggling like an idiot.

He cooks an amazing breakfast of french toast and scrambled eggs, and begins telling me the plan for the day.
"I'm not gonna tell you everything, but I'll tell you each thing one at a time, and if you don't like it, we can do something else, okay?" he tells me excitedly.
"Okay! So what's first?"
"First, I'm taking you to the jewelry store, and letting you pick out matching promise rings and bracelets, if you want." I smile in disbelief. I've been thinking about getting him one, and that was going to be my present to him.
"Awe, honey! That was gonna be my present to you! I just wanted you to approve them first, so I didn't buy them!" He smiles.
"Don't worry about it, baby." He doesn't usually call me baby either; I like it.

We go to Kay, and I pick out some amazing blue and purple tie-dyed ones, and he loves them. I check the time and see that it's about 12.
"Do you want to go to Chipotle?" he asks, pretty much reading my mind.
"Awe, yes! You know I love Mexican!"
"You love Mexicans?" He looks at me, cracking up.
"Mexican food, babe, Mexican food."

We have some lunch at Chipotle, and then Ricky pulls me out and kisses me again, holding less back than he did this morning, but still hiding some passion.

"Rachie, next, we're going to the beach to just be together."
"I don't have my bathing suit," I laugh.
"Neither do I! Does it look like I planned on swimming?" He laughs.

He drives me to the beach, and we get there just as the sun begins to set. He grabs his phone and some headphones and takes my hand, pulling me out to the beach, full of people scrambling to leave because they need to get home before it gets dark.

"Rachie, will you dance with me?" he asks, pulling our bodies close, wrapping his arms around my waist, and looking into my eyes.
"We don't have any music, silly!" I reply, laughing. He sticks one of his headphones in my ear and the other in his. He starts the song 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol, and I realize that he knows that that's one of my all-time favorite songs.
"Now we do." He looks into my eyes and smiles. I look back into his, tearing up.

He's one of the most amazing people I've ever met, and he went all out for me today. For me. Nobody's ever done that. Nobody.

I kiss him, and he's not holding anything back this time. This is the most passionate kiss we've ever shared, and I love it. He pulls away and smiles. The song ends, and I hadn't even realized it changed to one of my other favorite songs, 'Marry Me' by Train.

He grabs my hand, and walks along the beach with me.
"So, um, Rachel?" he asks, awkwardly. He's not usually awkward with me, and today, of all days, is when I'd expect it least.
"Yeah?" I ask, smiling.
"I don't really want to come right out and say it, but your last surprise, is, well, me," he says, smiling hopefully.
"Wait, what?" I ask, confused.

And then it hits me.

Should I? 
I mean, we have been talking about it, but I wasn't sure when the time would come. And to be honest, I want to. I know I can trust him, and I love him, and he loves me, but is it too early? My mind becomes cluttered, and then after a moment, I realize something.
He's known me for three years. My brother is his best friend, and approves. He heard us talking, and said he approves.

I'm ready for this.

I nod, smiling, and kiss him passionately. He picks me up, and carries me to the house, locking the door behind us.

don't worry there'll be no detail anywhere, whatsoever. It's all implied. Use your imagination. ;D
-Rachel =]

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