Chapter Eighteen- "As early as August."

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I nuzzle into Ricky's bare chest, and he tightens his arms around my waist.
"Ricky, I found a place I really want to have our wedding at, and even your sister approves."
"Already?" he laughs, tracing shapes on my back underneath my shirt.
"Yeah! It's called Descanso Gardens!"
"Oh my gosh, Rachie, I love that place! It's gorgeous!"
"I know, that's what I thought!"
"I think it's a good idea to marry a beautiful girl in a beautiful place." I look up at him, and see a bright smile on his face.
"Awe, honey!" I kiss his chest.
"I still can't believe we're getting married," Ricky adds, laughing.
"Why? Did you think I'd say no?" I giggle.
"No, I was actually pretty confident that you'd say yes, actually. It's just that I can't believe that I'll get to have you for the rest of my life." I look up at him, and see him tearing up.
"You're so sweet, honey. There is seriously nobody I want except for you."
"Rachel, I don't even want to wait that long. I mean, I know that we have to, because we have to plan everything out, but I don't want to."
"Are you saying that you want to elope?" I ask.
"Well no, because I still want the big, fancy wedding, but I don't want to wait."
"Honey, I don't either, but it wouldn't be as special if you didn't have to wait, would it?"
"Rachie, every moment with you is special." I pull him even closer.
"Then why does it matter when the government becomes involved in our relationship?" I ask. He smiles, and I wipe the tears from his face.
"I guess it doesn't, but I just want everyone to know how much I love you."
"They do, trust me." He smiles.
"Ricky, we're engaged."
"Good point." He kisses my cheek, and sighs.
"Ricky, we could make the date as early as August, I think." He smiles, and turns to me.
"Yeah, I think so. I mean, I can call a photographer tomorrow, and I already know the venue I want."
"Awe, babe! I wanna help out though, it is my wedding too, after all!" Ricky laughs.
"Well, then call Descanso Gardens, and the photographer. I mean, if you like him. If you don't, we can pick out another one."
"Okay, honey. I love you so much, you know that?" he replies.
"More than the walrus?" I ask.
"Girl, I love you more than I love Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande."
"Damn, boy." I grin, and kiss him.

I wake up, and see my amazing fiancée beside me, snoring. I giggle, and begin to get up, and his arms yank me back toward him, and a sly smile is on his face.
"I know you're awake, babe." He snores really loudly, and I giggle. "You suck at faking sleep."
"I do not!" he replies, with his eyes still closed.
"Yes you do!" I reply, playfully punching him in the shoulder. He opens his eyes, and exaggeratedly rubs his shoulder.
"Rachie, I love you, but you can seriously be a jerk sometimes."
"Hey!" I reply. He gets up and runs down the stairs, and I chase him.
"The refrigerator is my bodyguard!" he replies, standing behind the fridge. I give him the puppy dog face.
"Nope, that won't work on me!" I sniffle.
"Awe, Rachie, stop itttttt." I fake tears, and he comes out and hugs me.
"Rachel, don't do that to me." I giggle.
"Okay." He smiles and kisses me, and the kiss quickly gets more passionate.
"Hey, guys!" Connor yells, walking in, hand in hand with Sarah. Ricky pulls away, rolling his eyes.
"What's up, Condork?" Ricky asks, laughing.
"Not much, Pickle." Connor and Sarah walk in, and start making some breakfast.
"Babe, can you call Descanso?" I ask Ricky, smiling.
"Sure. And hun, I love the photographer," Ricky replies, smiling at the piece of paper with the photographer on the table.
"Awe, yay!"

Ricky gets the gardens for August 31st, surprisingly, and I get Mark, the photographer. There's a knock on the door, and Connor answers it, and Hayley walks in.
"Rachel, you ready to go dress shopping?" she questions excitedly.
"YES!" I respond happily. I jump up from the couch, and put on my light neon green flip flops.
"Hey, no kiss goodbye?" Ricky asks, arms outstretched.
"Awe, sorry babe, I was just excited!" I run up and hug him. He kisses my forehead and then kisses me.
"Can I join you?" Sarah asks, cheerfully.
"Of course! I'd love to have another opinion there!" I reply.
"Wait, Sarah, if you go, I go," Connor adds, smiling.
"Fine, Connor, you can come too."
"You're leaving me all alone?" Ricky asks, faking a frown.
"Connor's gonna have to get fitted for his tux anyway, so you might as well come too, but you can't see the dress. At all."
"YAY!" Ricky yells, hugging me.

We all arrive at the store, and it's huge. The walls are white, and where they're not, they're made of glass. Hayley checks us in and we sit down.
"I have to go to the men's section. I'll see you later, honey. I love you." Ricky kisses my forehead, and heads toward the men's section.
"I'll join you after Rachel gets her dress!" Connor yells to Ricky.
"Okay!" Ricky turns around and replies, almost running into the wall.
"Rachel?" A tall, blonde-haired girl calls through the almost-full waiting room. Connor, Sarah, Hayley and I walk up to her. She's smiling brightly.
"Hi! I'm Ashley. Which one of you is the bride?" she asks cheerily.
"I am," I reply. "And this is Connor, my brother, Sarah, his girlfriend, and Hayley, my fiancée's sister."
"Hi! Aren't you Connor Franta?" she asks, shaking our hands.
"Yeah, I am!" Connor smiles.
"Oh, cool! Well, congratulations! I'm going to take you back to the fitting room. Connor, Sarah and Hayley, you can chill out here, and we're gonna get Rachel into some dresses!" She shows them a couch they can relax on, and then takes me back to a small room, with a mirror and white walls.
"So, Rachel, tell me about your fiancée!" She replies happily.
"Well, his name is Ricky, and he's really funny and really sweet. He's actually on YouTube," I laugh.
"Ricky Dillon?" she asks, smiling.
"I love our2ndlife, and your brother's Connor, so I assumed. Congratulations!" she replies, laughing.
"Thanks! I assume you know what Ricky's like though," I reply.
"Yeah! Aren't you Connor Franta's sister?"
"Alright! Well, what could you see yourself in for the wedding?" she asks.
"Probably a dress." She laughs. "Probably something like a princess style, but not a cupcake, you know what I mean?" She nods.
"Well, I'm gonna bring back a few dresses I think you'll like. When's the wedding?"
"August 31st."
"Oh, well then, you need something that we can get to you pretty fast."
"Yeah, I guess," I laugh.
"Okay, well I have a few I think you'll like."

She comes back with three dresses. I try on the first one, and go show Hayley and Sarah, and we unanimously agree that it doesn't fit right, and we also feel the same way about the second one.
"I hope you like this next one, because we don't have any more that fit your description that we can get to you within the needed timeframe."
I try on the third dress, and I absolutely adore it. It's strapless, has a sweetheart neckline, and is draped all throughout the dress. I has a champagne-colored ribbon around the waist, and flows nicely.
I go out and stand on the pedestal in front of the mirror, showing it to Connor, Sarah and Hayley, and they love it. Connor begins to cry.
"Awe Connor, what's wrong?" I ask, getting off of the pedestal and hugging him.
"My little sister is growing up!" He cries onto my shoulder, wiping his tears off.
"Awe Connor!" I hug him again, standing back up.
"Well, I'm gonna go be a man and get a tuxedo." Connor kisses Sarah, and heads over to the men's section downstairs.

We all get our outfits, and I get a netted headpiece, and we head out.
"So how was the dress?" Ricky asks, swinging our hands back and forth as we walk back to our car.
"Great! You'll love it! How were the tuxedos?"
"Amazing! Girlfriend, we looked goooood." I giggle.
We head back home and eat dinner.
"Awe, hun, we have to call the caterer!" I add, sighing.
"Already done, babe."
"Awe, you're so sweet!"
"I try," Ricky replies, smiling.

Ricky and I head upstairs, and I almost immediately fall asleep in his arms, listening to him sing quietly 'Marry Me.'

This is a long chapter, I know. I enjoyed it though xD

-Rachel ;D

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