Chapter Twenty- "You're cute, I like that."

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"RACHEL, RICKY, WAKE UP!" Connor and Sarah run into our room yelling.

"Whyyyyyy?" Ricky retorts sleepily.

"You have to be at the gardens in two and a half hours to set up for the rehearsal dinner!" Ricky and I both look at each other.

"Your point?"


"Oh, yeah." I sigh, and Ricky sits up, pulling me up with him. I rub my eyes and yawn. Connor and Sarah walk out of the room, going to finish packing up their stuff.

"Ricky?" I ask.

"Yeah, hun?" he replies, laughing and stuffing two gray sweatshirts into a suitcase.

"I'm nervous. I mean, I do want to marry you, but it's scary, you know? It's a big step."

"Awe, sweetheart." Ricky drops a few tank tops into the the suitcase and walks over and hugs me. "Rachie," he says, pulling my chin up with one finger so my eyes meet his, "we can do this. I know we can. I've had the same feelings recently, but you know what? The moment I met you, I knew you'd be special, but I never knew how. Lately, it's become really clear to me that we're meant to be, and I wouldn't want it any other way." He kisses me softly, cupping my face in his hand. "You make me so happy, Rachie."

"Awe, Ricky, you make me happier than anyone ever has. You know what? I'm ready to do this, because I know you and I are meant to be." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

We pack everything up, and head out to the hotel. We get there, and check in, finding out that there are 36 rooms reserved for people coming to the wedding and staying in the hotel. We get up to the honeymoon suite, which we realize that Connor got reserved for us.

"Awe bro, you're so sweet," I mutter, laughing.

"Rachel, this room is huge!" Ricky yells, stating the obvious. He drops the bags he's carrying, and jumps onto the giant bed, covered in white sheets, a gold blanket, and gold pillows.

"This bed is so soft, oh my god! Come here, Rachie!" He jumps off of the bed, grabs my hand, and pulls me onto the bed, where we both sit down, bouncing.

"Oh dear lord, I love this!" I yell, laughing. "RICKY, THERE'S A MINI FRIDGE IN HERE! AND IT'S ALREADY STOCKED!" I yell joyously, standing up, and opening the bedside mini fridge. Ricky pulls my back against him and onto the bed, kissing me and laughing.

"Rachel, this is going to be perfect, I just know it."

We get back downstairs, and meet up with Connor and Sarah.

"Guess who's right next to you two?" Connor sighs, pointing to himself and Sarah. Ricky and I break out laughing. We head to the gardens, and get out on the wood patio to set up for the rehearsal dinner. Everything looks about right.

"Hello! I'm Brad! Is everything looking alright for the lovely couple?" a tall, muscular, brown-haired man asks us.

"Yeah, everything looks perfect!" Ricky replies cheerfully.

"That's great! So, you're Rachel, and you're Ricky, right?" he asks, smiling.

"Yup!" we reply.

"Well, I'm the dining manager, so if you have any problems, don't hesitate to call me."

"Thanks!" Ricky replies.

We greet everyone, from great-grandparents all the way down to high school friends and baby cousins. We get set for the rehearsal dinner, and Ricky and I sit down beside each other, and he grabs my hand in my lap and squeezes it excitedly. A short, stout woman comes out, who I recognize as the head manager of the gardens.

"Hi! I'm Amelia, and I am the head of Descanso Gardens, and welcome to Rachel and Ricky's rehearsal dinner!" Everyone claps, and Ricky and I turn and smile at each other.

"Okay, well I'm gonna turn it over to the man in charge of this, Mr. Dillon!" Everyone applauds again, and Ricky's dad stands up.

"Well, I'm Ricky's dad, as many of you know." He sighs. "My son is growing up, what can I say? I raised him well, and I wish both of you the best, you know that. Rachel, I know I speak for all of us when I say we're overjoyed to be welcoming you into the Dillon family!" I smile and nod.

"I'm gonna turn this over to my son, who wanted to tell Rachel something." Ricky stands up and smiles, and his dad hands him the microphone, hugging him.

"Hi everyone! I know I speak for both Rachel and I when I say that we're so glad to see everyone here for this!" All of the people in the room clap again. "So, when I first started living with Rachel a few months back, as a few of you know, I almost immediately liked her. Little did I know, that while I was developing these feelings for her, she felt the same way, and was resorting to getting her brother Connor's help." Everyone laughs. "Even she doesn't know this, but when she was upstairs calling her brother for advice, which at the time I was completely unaware that it was about me, I was writing. I've always been the kind of person that I write down when I feel strongly about something. Well, on the first day she moved in, I wrote something on a paper that I brought with me. She almost saw it, but I flipped it over just in time for her not to, which resulted in a huge chase throughout our kitchen, living room, dining room, front room, well, pretty much our whole first floor, minus the bathroom." Everyone laughs, and Ricky pulls a piece of paper out of his shorts. "Rachel, it's obvious to me that I've felt this way from the moment you came through that door." He unfolds it, and it reads in big, blue bubble letters, 'You're cute, I like that,' and has little hearts and doodles around it. He shows everyone, and they all 'awwww' unanimously. I hug him and kiss his cheek, and he hands me the paper, and whispers, "Keep it." He hands me the microphone, and urges me to say something.

"Um, hi guys! As pretty much all of you know, I'm Rachel. Like Ricky said, we really do appreciate each and every one of you being here, and we can't thank you enough. I'm not as cute as Ricky, and I don't have anything adorable to give him, but I must say that I've felt the same way about him. The minute I opened the door of our car and saw him standing there, I began falling for him, and I haven't stopped since." Everyone 'awwww's again, and I continue. "It's funny. As a lot of you know, Ricky and Connor have been best friends for quite a while, and I've known him for a while. It's pretty entertaining to me though that everyone wasn't shocked when we announced the engagement, because apparently, I'm Connor's little sister, and they're really close, so it's not shocking that Ricky and I are too. I'm the female Franta!" I laugh, as does everyone else. "Well, it's great to see you all, enjoy the dinner!"

We eat and practice some of the wedding procedures, and verify everything for tomorrow. We thank everyone, and head back to the hotel. Ricky, Connor, Sarah, and I head back up to our rooms.

"Rachel, I'm so ready to marry you, and build a beautiful, sassy family together." I laugh and nod, kissing him.

We turn on the huge plasma-screen TV that we hadn't even noticed earlier, and put on some SpongeBob, being the little kids that we are inside. I hand him a sprite out of the fridge, and take one for myself.

"Rachie, this is why I love you. We can be five years old together, but at the same time, we can be old people together. You're just perfect, I love you more than anything in the world."

"Awe, Ricky, I love you more than words can explain!" I smile, kissing him passionately. He takes off his shirt, and I lean on his chest, drifting off to sleep, ready for tomorrow, and eternity with this beautiful man.




-Rachel =]

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