Chapter Two- Airport/Plane Ride

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My phone vibrates as I ferociously zip up my third suitcase.

From: Big Brothaaaa


Recieved: Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 10:34 am

I decide to text Connor back quickly.

To: Big Brothaaaa


Sent: Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 10:35 am

I almost immediately hear footsteps bounding up the staircase.
"RACH I'VE GOT THE OBNOXIOUSLY LARGE DUCK TAPE COVERED BAG!" Connor yells in a sing-songy voice, and bounds back down the stairs. I grab the smaller suitcase, the smaller bag, my purse, and my phone, and head out.

We get the car loaded up, and head out, jamming out the entire way there to Fun., MGMT, and Ed Sheeran. We get everything out of the car, and go through security, where a security officer that's probably the same age as Connor hits on me. I blow it off, and go the rest of the way through security.

"Rach, wanna get some Starbucks?"
"Do you really have to ask that question?"

I order a strawberry smoothie, and Connor gets a latte. We sit down outside of our gate.
"Connor, did you get me a ticket? Oh my god, if you didn't..."
"Rach, I got you a ticket when I got myself one. I planned on bringing you all along." He smiles and takes a sip of his latte.
"You're frantastic, Connor." He shrugs.
"I know, as are you, Rachel."

"NOW BOARDING AMERICAN AIRLINES FLIGHT 292," the loudspeaker erupts.
"That's ours," Connor says, getting up. "We're first to board."
"Yay!" I get up and grab my purse and phone, and board the plane with Connor.

Everyone boards the plane, and the plane's doors close. The flight attendants show us how to use our emergency devices and seatbelts. They sit down, and the plane takes off.

"Hello passengers! Welcome to your flight, with the destination set for Los Angeles International Airport in California! The ride will be approximately 3 hours long, so sit back and relax!"
Connor taps my shoulder.
"Wanna make a video?" His eyes light up.
"Of course!"

Connor and I make a video for his main page about nothing in particular (as usual). I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see a 14 or 15 year old girl with bright blonde hair with a huge smile on her face.
"Are you Connor Franta's sister, and is he Connor Franta?" I laugh.
"I am, and yes he is." Connor turns and sees the girl, and smiles. The girl begins crying in disbelief.
"Can I get a picture with you guys?"
"Of course!" I reply, turning to Connor. He nods happily, and we take a picture with her, and sign a paper. She sits back down, content.
"It's always like that," Connor laughs.
"You're a funny guy, bro."
"Thanks, Rach. You aren't so bad yourself." He opens his computer, and begins editing the video we made, and I put in some headphones, lean on him, and slowly drift off to sleep.

"Rachel, wake up," Connor's soft voice wakes me.
"Who died? What's going on?" I reply, still half-asleep.
"We're about to land."
"Oh, alright."

And that was when it all began.

I really hope you guys like it so far! I'm still awake, so I might make another chapter. Why not? c: -Rachel c;

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