Fifth - I don't love her, I love you (PART 2)

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Erza's POV

Jellal and I just got home from vacation. Apparently everyone found out about what happened. Lucy understood Jellal's situation and even relate to it.

She told Jellal that one day his parents will understand him. I was sitting beside Jellal with our hand interwined when the someone dash inside the guild doors.

Jellal's POV

I was sitting with the woman I love when someone entered the guild. "Bow down for the King and Queen Fernandez with Princess Claire Herod", a man said as the said people entered.

No one bowed down. "What are you all doing here?", asked Natsu. "We're not here for a fight. We came here for my son, Jellal Fernandez", said King Jericho.

I squeeze Erzas hand. "What do you want from him?", asked Gray. "Like what my husband said, we are here for our son therefor we will tell our concerns to him.", Queen Lally said.

Laxus was about to speak when I stood up and said," Forgive me your highness but like I said on our last encounter I found the wrong parents and so did you. I truly respect you so please leave."

"My son we are really sorry for our attitude but please give us another chance", said Queen Lally. "What do you want?", I asked.

"Can we talk outside just the four of us?", asked King Jericho. I nodded, let go of Erza and whispered," I'll be back".

As she nodded I kissed her cheek and went out. When we got at the back of the guild Queen Lally hugged me.

When we broke from the hug King Jericho spoke," We wont force you to marry Princess Claire but listen" I nodded and he continued to speak," Princess Claire here is your friend before you went missing. She wants to hang out with you and get along. Dont worry you dont have to marry her but she wishes to be friends with you again. Lastly we know you dont want to move in to us therefor we have decided that as a Fernandez you'll have to work in the council as one of the ten wizards."

"Your my childhood friend?", I asked Claire. She nodded and said," Yes, I waited for you to return but you didnt. I even looked for you but I wasnt succesful. Im sorry."

I smiled at her and said," Its not your fault and thanks for your care." "I'll be staying on a house near yours because like what King Jericho said I want to bring back our friendship. Is it okay if we hang out sometime?", she asked while blushing.

"Sure if your already set lets go meet my friends", I answered. "Yup Im already set and I'd love to meet you friends", she said. We bowed down to my parents and entered the guild.

Erza's POV

It didn't took long before Jellal come back but she is with Princess Claire Herod. It kinda made me jealous because Jellal is holding Princess Claires wrist.

"Hey Minna-san", Jellal shouted. Everyone looked him. "This is Princess Claire Herod she'll be hanging around the guild for a while and she is my childhood friend", he announced.

Everyone cheered and he went to my table. "Hey Erza, this is Princess Claire Herod", he said. "Hi", i said. "Hi", she greeted back. "Claire this is my girlfriend Erza", Jellal said.

He sat beside me while Princess Claire sat across us. "Erza, Claire here turns out to be my friend before I went missing and my parents doesnt force me to marry her anymore", Jellal said happily.

"Do you have a place to stay?", I asked. "Yes, I'll be staying on a house near Jellal's", she answered. I nodded my head and sip some strawberry shake.

Lucy's POV

I saw Jellal and Princess Claire walk towards Erza. I can see in her eyes that she got jealous. I waited for a few minutes before I went to there table along with Levy, Juvia and Mira.

"Hey guys", we greeted. "Hey, this is Claire", Jellal said pointing at Princess Claire. "Hi, can we join?", asked Mira.

They nodded and we sat with them. "Hey Claire lets hang out tomorrow and later, now I want you to know my friends so you know we could all hang out together someday", Jellal said. Claire nodded and Jellal went to the boys.

Natsu's POV

I saw Jellal went to Laxus and Metal Freaks direction. Ice Freak and I stopped fighting and went to them. "Well?", I asked.

"Well what?", he retorted. "Why is she here?", asked Ice Freak. "Like I said she turns out to be a childhood friend of mine and according to her she wants to hang out and be friends again", he answered.

"What about the marriage?", asked Metal Freak. "They wont forced me anymore. They just want me to be back at being the ten wizards saints", Jellal said. "That should be easy", Laxus commented.

"Yup and I want her to hang out and also be friends with the girls and the entire guild so she could get comfortable", Jellal added.

Erza's POV

As soon as Jellal left we girls just chat and chat. The more I knew Claire the more I felt comfortable with her. I mean she is nice, sweet, beautiful, caring and funny.

She has a beautiful golden hair and brown orbs. We didnt notice the sun set and we head home. Jellal, Claire and I head the same way because I told Jellal I want us to have a movie marathon and he agreed and no I didnt told him this because Im jealous.

We reach Claires house and it is near Jellals house, I mean really close it just two houses away. As we bid goodbye they hugged and kissed each others cheek.

Im getting jealous but then Claire also kissed my cheek. Later I found out that its a costom for them to kiss a persons cheek whenever they will leave or arrive.

While watching the movie I cought Jellal staring at me. I smiled and kissed me.

Jellal's POV

I kissed Erza and she kissed back. As we broke apart I said," remember I dont love her, I love you" "I know", she answered.

"Then why did I feel you got jealous", I asked. "Well you held her wrist then you kissed each others cheek", she said. I kissed her forehead and said," That just our costom and I got excited for you guys to meet her."

"I know I love you Jellal", she said. "I love you too", I said and had a make out session with her.

Erza's POV

We were making out when I thought," Sorry Jellal but I cant promise I can stop being jealous".

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