Twenty Ninth - Singles Party

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Jellal's POV

"I already told you, 'IT'S A NO", I almost shouted at Laxus. "But think about this no one would know. Besides there would be girls there, not to mention 'Single'", Laxus retorted.

I sighed and said," Why would we go to a party for single if we have girlfriends, " Laxus looked at me as if I'm the dumbest person on earth.

"Come on. Gramps just wants us to go. Plus he is coming too. He is the one who force me to go their with you", Laxus confessed. I sighed and said," Fine"

"According to Gramps we will leave tonight at 6", Laxus informed. I nodded and head home to change since I have two hours to get ready.

At the Party

Laxus and I entered a hotel room. The door is covered in pink and Blue hearts. When we entered we were greeted by Master who is drunk.

"Hello boys, glad you made it", Master said. Another man went near us and said," New faces I see. Don't worry there are three girls here that is also new and did I mentioned that they are smoking hot"

We were still talking when someone bumped into me and Laxus. We turned around and found a very drunk Cana, which we are used of.

The worst thing was about to come and we know it. As if on cue two familiar voices were heard.

They got near us before we could escape. "Jellal" "Laxus", the two voices exclaimed at the same time. We turned and found our girlfriends.

No One's POV

"Hey", said Laxus and Jellal at the same time. "What are you two doing here?", Erza asked. "I could asked the same", Jellal said.

"We found out that their would be a large strawberry cheesecake here for free and Erza forced me to come", explained Mira. Laxus and Jellal looked at each other.

"What about you two?", asked a drunken Cana. "Well, we, ummm, let's just say, ummm", Laxus and Jellal exclaimed together.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?", said Erza and Mira with deathly aura. "Master forces to go here", said Laxus and Jellal at the same time.

Mira and Erza looked behind the boys to find Cana and Master in a drinking contest. The four sat down and had a drink.

Erza's POV

Minutes later some girls went to the boys while some boys did the same to us. I was still eating my cake ignoring the boys when a girl caught my eyes.

She is so close to Jellal that I want to strangle her. Jellal isn't paying any attention to her but he isn't also shoving her away.

I sighed and realize that Jellal will never shove that girl away. He is so dense the girl is flirting with him.

Jellal then pour down some wine to a glass and when he is about to reach it the girl did too and their hands touched.

I didn't noticed that I'm strangling the boy beside me. When the boy reacted Jellal looked at us as if he is about to kill.

I went outside to get away from all the commotion. I went to the rooftop and sat at the edge. Moment later I heard the door opened.

Jellal's POV

I watched Erza go out. I followed her to the rooftop. She looked at me and sigh. I went closer, hugged her from behind but she removed the hug.

"What wrong? ", I asked. "What's wrong? ", she repeated but with an angry voice. "Erza what's wron", I asked really confused. Her eyes widen, lift me by my collar and said," Why you"

While being lifted I cupped her face and kissed her. She hesitated at first but melted. When she dropped me she fall on top of me.

When we broke the kiss we catched our breath. "I came her because Master forced us too", I said honestly. Erza then said," I also just came here because of the cake"

A smile formed on my lips and said," I believe you" " and I believe you too", she said. We then had a passionate make out session.

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